Category: Car Accident

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What is Subrogation in a No-fault Claim

Michigan is a no-fault state for auto insurance. That means you’ll need to carry some level of personal injury protection (PIP) coverage on your auto insurance policy. In the case of a car accident, you’ll first file a claim through your own insurer. PIP coverage will cover at least a…

How Long Should I Be Dizzy After a Car Accident - Christensen Law

Dizziness after a car accident should not be taken lightly. It’s wise to seek medical attention immediately after the crash and get continuing care if the dizziness lasts beyond the doctor’s expectations. Dizziness can be a symptom of a traumatic brain injury (TBI), neck injury, or other trauma. These are…

Car accidents are terrifying experiences that every driver attempts to avoid. However, what happens when an irresponsible driver slams into your vehicle and causes a car accident? The consequences of a careless driver can not only leave you with a totaled car, but also severe and long-lasting physical and emotional…

Car accidents have the potential to cost you thousands in damages. From dealing with property damage to paying your medical bills, car accidents are extremely stressful situations. You’re never truly ready for all of the hurdles associated with an auto accident. To make matters worse, you have to deal with confusing legal terminology…

Uber is a very convenient service that allows you to get a ride nearly anywhere. Over the last few years, the service has become extremely popular and has become a necessity for some people. However, the service can also be dangerous due to the nature of how it operates. You’re…

If you’ve recently moved to Michigan or you’re a new driver living in the state, it’s important to understand Michigan’s no-fault insurance policy and be aware of the recent changes made to this policy. Michigan’s no-fault insurance law requires all drivers to purchase personal injury protection (PIP) insurance to cover…

When you are injured in a car accident and someone else was at fault, filing a car accident lawsuit can be the best way to obtain compensation for any damages you’ve suffered. Although a lawsuit may take longer than simply contacting your insurance, it can help you receive the settlement you deserve. Often, when…

Rideshares are convenient, eco-friendly ways to get around town, and they’re only growing in popularity. As with any mode of transportation, however, they are subject to accidents and even fatal injuries. Perhaps you were a passenger in a rideshare like Uber or Lyft when it was involved in a crash, or maybe…

If you’ve been in a car crash in Detroit, or if you happened to drive by as a collision occurred, you may be wondering how to report a car accident or even whether a report is necessary. There are specific rules in the city of Detroit for when to report car…

When many people think of car accidents, they imagine two cars colliding. But, in truth, there are a variety of reasons where a single-car accident might occur. With automobiles being such complex machines, the risk of malfunction is always present. We trust car manufacturers to test every model and ensure that it’s…