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Roundup was one of the most popular weed killers available on the market. Since 1974, countless consumers and businesses have used Roundup as a means to take care of crops and manage the appearance of properties. For this reason, there’s a high chance that Roundup has impacted your life, whether…

A school is a magical place for children. It’s here that your child learns how to interact with other kids and start the lifelong quest for knowledge. Some bonds that your child makes may even last them the rest of their life. However, what happens when your child is hurt…

Car accidents have the potential to cost you thousands in damages. From dealing with property damage to paying your medical bills, car accidents are extremely stressful situations. You’re never truly ready for all of the hurdles associated with an auto accident. To make matters worse, you have to deal with confusing legal terminology…

Uber is a very convenient service that allows you to get a ride nearly anywhere. Over the last few years, the service has become extremely popular and has become a necessity for some people. However, the service can also be dangerous due to the nature of how it operates. You’re…

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Experiencing a serious accident can severely impact your mental health in a variety of ways. You may develop depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) because of your traumatic accident. This trauma impacts your way of life and could leave you with mental…

If you’ve recently moved to Michigan or you’re a new driver living in the state, it’s important to understand Michigan’s no-fault insurance policy and be aware of the recent changes made to this policy. Michigan’s no-fault insurance law requires all drivers to purchase personal injury protection (PIP) insurance to cover…

Dockless scooters have become increasingly popular in large cities such as Detroit. The scooters provide a more efficient and convenient form of transportation, but they’ve also caused many severe injuries. The law says that scooters must obey the same rules as vehicle drivers on the road but scooter riders and…

When you are injured in a car accident and someone else was at fault, filing a car accident lawsuit can be the best way to obtain compensation for any damages you’ve suffered. Although a lawsuit may take longer than simply contacting your insurance, it can help you receive the settlement you deserve. Often, when…

Crosswalk accidents have been on the rise throughout the nation with The Governors Highway Safety Association reporting that 6,227 pedestrians were killed by motor vehicles in 2018. Although not all of these deaths occurred at crosswalks, it’s safe to assume that a large majority of them did. Intersections are one of the most high-risk…