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Life After a Traumatic Brain Injury

The consequences of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can last a lifetime. Contrary to what some believe, many individuals who experience a “minor” jolt to the head actually end up suffering TBIs that can permanently affect memory, cognition, motor coordination, and other critical body functions. Yet because they are up…

Dustin Hoff Anniversary

DUSTIN HOFF CELEBRATES 6-YEAR ANNIVERSARY WITH CHRISTENSEN LAW This month marks the sixth year since Trial Attorney Dustin Hoff joined CLAW.  Admitted to the bar in 2014, he joined the firm after spending his first year as an associate at a small firm in Sandusky – his hometown – where…

Hispanic Male In Eyeglasses Wearing

Let’s be honest: we’re all probably guilty of distracted walking. The smartphone alone has given Americans no shortage of diversions while walking. But is it contributing to more pedestrian accidents and deaths? The research is unclear. There’s no question that distracted walking is dangerous. The National Safety Council reports that…

Can a Traumatic Brain Injury Cause ADHD

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can impact a person’s daily functioning in many ways. Memory, concentration, speech, motor planning, emotional regulation, and organizational skills can all be disrupted by a brain injury. Even a concussion — the mildest form of TBI — is linked to forgetfulness, confusion, delayed response to…

What to Do After an Auto Accident

The moments after a car accident are often upsetting and disorienting, so you may not know what to do or who to call. Below are recommendations from the auto accident attorneys at Christensen Law. To protect your chance of recovering damages, you must report the crash and start documenting the…

Car insurance

Michigan recently overhauled its no-fault auto insurance law. For the first time in decades, motorists had new decisions to make about their personal injury protection (PIP) benefits and liability insurance. Understanding the changes is essential so that you know what coverage is available to you if an accident occurs. Michigan’s…

Which States Have the Worst Drivers?

A staggering number of Americans die every year due to poor decision-making by drivers whose actions place themselves and others at risk. Now, a study by Car Insurance Comparison shows which states have the worst drivers — and unfortunately, Michigan motorists did not fare well in all of the categories….

Hall of Fame 2021

Michigan Lawyers Weekly Announces Hall of Fame Winners “21 for 21.” This special award recognizes esteemed members of the legal profession who have been in practice for at least 30 years or have reached the age of 60 or older. These lawyers truly are legends, making their mark in the…