Sterling Heights Civil Rights Lawyer

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Sterling Heights Civil Rights Lawyer

Whether you were discriminated against because of your race, gender, disability, or any other protected status, you have been wronged, and we want to help. Our civil rights lawyers in Sterling Heights, Michigan, will pour all of our resources into your case to help you attain justice.

Since 1991, the Sterling Heights personal injury lawyers at Christensen Law have been protecting the rights of people like you by seeking and winning fair compensation. Call us for a free case review today.

Our Lawyers Treat Every Civil Rights Case with Sincerity and Compassion

Our Sterling Heights civil rights lawyers believe that everyone deserves equitable treatment in all circumstances, regardless of:

  • Gender: We help people of many gender identities who have faced discrimination, whether the discrimination occurred in the workplace, in a business, or another establishment or setting that must follow state and federal guidelines.
  • Age: For example, older workers sometimes find it more difficult to get hired and earn promotions than younger workers.
  • Sexual orientation: LGBTQIA+ individuals have the right to live openly and to pursue the homes, careers, and relationships they want. We will protect your right to do so.
  • Race or color: As the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) explains, race and color are two different things, but it is illegal to discriminate on either basis. We handle cases that involve either or both types of discrimination.
  • Country of origin or ethnicity: The fact that a person is an immigrant should never make them a target of violence or bar them from opportunities that are available to others.
  • Religion: Our civil rights lawyers will defend your right to practice your religious beliefs without interference or harassment.
  • Disability: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) entitles people with disabilities to fair treatment and reasonable accommodations in all aspects of public life. Our law firm defends people’s rights under the Act.
  • Criminal record: Prisoners deserve humane treatment. Once you have served your time, you should not have to face discrimination based on past crimes or alleged crimes.

If someone attacked or discriminated against you because of factors like these, Christensen Law wants to hear from you right away. We will:

Familiarize Ourselves with Your Civil Rights Case

That means, first and foremost, that we will listen carefully as you tell us your full story. We believe in the importance of allowing our clients to explain what happened in their own way.

After you share your experience, our civil rights attorneys will collect evidence to support your story. This might include:

  • Photos or video evidence
  • Records and reports from the Sterling Heights Police Department
  • Interviews with witnesses or involved parties
  • Records of communication between you and the liable party (e.g., emails or texts)

Confront the Party Who Violated Your Civil Rights

Some people shy away from reporting discrimination or filing a legal action because they want to avoid further trouble. Christensen Law wants you to know that:

  • We do all of the talking on clients’ behalf
  • You do not need to speak to the person or people who violated your rights
  • We will fight hard to get the liable party and/or their insurance company to compensate you for everything the violation took from you

Pursue Justice by Seeking Compensation in Sterling Heights

By taking legal action against a discriminatory individual or organization, you demonstrate to everyone in Sterling Heights that there are real consequences for failing to obey civil rights laws. We will pursue the money you need to make a fresh start after dealing with the trauma and difficulties of a civil rights violation.

Call Christensen Law for a free case evaluation today. As our client testimonials show, we work closely with our clients to help them achieve the outcomes they want.

Damages Available After a Civil Rights Violation in Sterling Heights

Different acts of discrimination have different effects. For example, police misuse of a taser can cause grievous physical harm, while denial of employment can have a severe impact on your financial stability. Our civil rights law firm in Sterling Heights will pursue damages for everything you lost, including:

  • Money you spent on medical bills or other expenses you would not have incurred if it were not for the civil rights violation
  • Money you lost or should have earned, such as a raise from a job promotion
  • Bodily injuries that result from the violation
  • Mental and emotional distress caused by the discrimination or the resulting losses
  • Reduced quality of life or independence, if you can no longer live the way you did before

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Civil Rights Violations that Result in Wrongful Death

It is a tragic fact that some acts of hate and discrimination prove fatal. Whether your loved one was killed accidentally, was deliberately murdered, or died by suicide after enduring extreme abuse, the wrongful death lawyers at Christensen Law are here to help.

Please accept our condolences for your loss. We know that filing a legal action will not bring your loved one back, nor will compensation replace them. The true purpose of such an action is to:

  • Recover the financial compensation you need to rebuild your life and support those who depended on the deceased
  • Hold the liable party accountable for their actions
  • Provide you with a measure of peace, knowing that you have attained justice and made Sterling Heights safer

Do You Have a Sterling Heights Civil Rights Case?

Some people never have any doubts that they were discriminated against and have the right to bring a case. Others may second-guess themselves and hold back, afraid that they are “overreacting” or have “misinterpreted” an innocent event.

At Christensen Law, we encourage you to follow your gut. If something seems wrong, you have every right to consult with us to get critical answers and information. We will take your concerns seriously and address them with compassion and professionalism.

Examples of Common Civil Rights Violations in Sterling Heights

This list is meant to give you a clearer idea of what a civil rights violation can look like. It is not a complete list: in other words, our civil rights lawyers could still help you with your case, even if you do not see your specific situation discussed here:

  • A landlord said an apartment was available, only to rescind the offer when you showed up in person.
  • You spoke out about discrimination at work and were fired soon after for no apparent reason or for a reason that does not make sense.
  • The police stopped and detained you for an extended period of time, even though you were not breaking the law.
  • You went to vote at your designated polling place and were subjected to verbal attacks or threats of physical violence.
  • You reported an attack or act of discrimination to the police, but they refused to act on it or claimed there was nothing they could do.

Events like these are often confusing, frightening, and infuriating. It may help to know that you have options. Our civil rights law firm in Sterling Heights is here to provide the support you deserve whenever you are ready to get started.

Let Our Attorneys Begin Your Sterling Heights Civil Rights Case Today

Christensen Law wants to make sure justice is done in your case and pursue fair compensation, all for no upfront cost. Call to get a free consultation today and let our Sterling Heights civil rights lawyers know what you hope to get out of your case. We promise to listen to every word you have to say.