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Who Can I Sue After a Motorcycle Accident

When you suffer injuries in a motorcycle accident, you have a right to pursue damages from the party responsible. Who you can sue after a motorcycle accident varies depending on the circumstances of your accident. To recover damages after a motorcycle crash, you must establish who is responsible. In addition,…

Who Is at Fault in Most Motorcycle Accidents

Understanding who is at fault in most motorcycle accidents and how fault is determined can help you pursue justice and fair compensation following a motorcycle crash. A skilled Michigan motorcycle accident lawyer can help you understand who is at fault and build a claim for fair compensation. Common Parties Responsible for…

What Damages Can I Collect for a Motorcycle Accident

Following a motorcycle accident, you may have legal grounds to recover compensation for damages you suffered. Damages refer to the economic and non-economic losses you sustained because of the motorcycle crash. Every state has different laws governing damages you can collect for a personal injury lawsuit. Understanding what damages you…

Understanding Comparative Fault in Motorcycle Crashes

Comparative fault, sometimes called comparative negligence, is a method of calculating damages in personal injury cases. Every state has different comparative fault laws, so you benefit from understanding comparative fault in motorcycle crashes, including types of comparative fault, damages you can claim, and how you can prove fault following a…

The Role of Expert Witnesses in Motorcycle Accident Cases

Expert witnesses can provide critical evidence in a motorcycle accident case. They provide context and clarity that can help sway a judge or jury in your favor. Expert witnesses may include medical experts, economic experts, and accident reconstruction experts. Resourceful and experienced motorcycle accident attorneys typically have experts in multiple…