Michigan Prisoner Death & Suicide Lawyer

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Michigan Prisoner Death & Suicide Lawyer

When a family member is in prison, your whole life can feel turned upside down. You may be dealing with a lot of feelings and struggling to make ends meet. The reality of your loved one’s imprisonment is already hard enough, but the news of a loved one’s death or suicide while in prison is truly shocking. What civil violations caused this terrible loss of life? What can you do about it?

That’s where Christensen Law steps in. Our Michigan prisoner death & suicide lawyers believe in fighting for the rights of all Michiganders, including those serving time in prison.

Governments have a legal responsibility to care for incarcerated individuals and uphold their civil rights, and failures to protect prisoners from death and suicide could indicate a violation of rights. Please call our Michigan civil rights lawyers today to get started on your loved one’s case. Let us help you hold parties accountable for these actions. We offer free consultations.

When Is Prisoner Death & Suicide a Civil Rights Violation?

When a family member passes away while in prison, it can sometimes be difficult to know if negligence and deliberate actions (or inactions) contributed to their passing. It is possible that some causes of death were unavoidable, but it’s best to examine a prison’s claims more closely. Sometimes, prisons cover up causes of death, take actions that directly result in the death of an inmate, or facilitate an environment that leads to prisoner deaths.

Our personal injury lawyers can help with prisoner death and suicide case caused by:

  • Denial of medical or mental health services
  • Delays or misdiagnoses in treatment of mental health concerns or medical conditions
  • Excessive force or assault by prison guards
  • Assault by other inmates
  • Unsafe prison conditions, like extreme heat or cold, that cause or worsen health concerns
  • Failures to monitor inmates who are at-risk for self-harm and suicide
  • Solitary confinement measures that contributed to a patient’s death

This is not a complete list of scenarios of civil rights violations. Our Michigan injury attorneys will review your case to see if the circumstances of a prisoner’s death or suicide violated their civil rights. Call us now to get started.

What Our Michigan Prisoner Death Lawyers Can Do for You

The prisoner death & suicide lawyers at Christensen Law understand what a painful experience this is for you and your family. The weight of this loss and the circumstances surrounding your loved one’s death are too much to handle alone. Our personal injury lawyers can help remove some of these burdens from your shoulders and seek financial justice on behalf of your family.

  • We gather evidence to support your claims. Proving that someone in the prison contributed to a loved one’s death can be quite difficult if you don’t know what to look for, who to speak with, or how to obtain information. Our lawyers are familiar with this process, and we know what to do. We also have resources we can draw on to help obtain proof and build your claim.
  • We know what arguments to make. Civil rights cases are quite complex and nuanced, especially if we are seeking accountability from state or federal institutions. We know which laws factor into your loved one’s case and we know how to construct an argument that highlights the violations of your loved one’s rights.
  • We field any communications. The other party’s representatives may try to reach out to you to offer you an insufficient settlement, or they may try to get you to say something that could hurt your case for damages. Even just dealing with constant communication with the other party is exhausting. Our lawyers can handle these tasks, so you don’t have to. We’ll be sure to keep you informed of any changes, offers, or other information you need to know.
  • We negotiate for settlements. Civil cases can be resolved through negotiations between involved parties. As your civil rights lawyers, we will navigate these conversations and fight for the fullest amount of damages possible. We want to make sure you get an award that meets all of your needs and compensates you for the full extent of your losses—if we can accomplish this during negotiations, we will.
  • We represent you in court. Your lawyer is prepared to take your case to court—we believe in planning for this step from the beginning. We will do what it takes to fight for justice on behalf of your loved one.

When you work with Christensen Law, you get a firm that wants to hear the story of your deceased loved one. We want to help their voice be heard and protect other prisoners from violations of their rights. We aim to win on your behalf to hold these parties accountable for the horrible actions they inflicted on your family member.

Compensation for the Death or Suicide of Michigan Prisoners

The dead or suicide of someone incarcerated in prison is hard to handle. It’s easy to feel angry and hopeless, especially when going up against the government. It may seem pointless to seek a civil suit, as nothing can make up for this loss of life. However, the civil rights lawyers at Christensen Law encourage you to reach out to us.

Even though money might seem the last priority, pursuing damages helps show these entities that they did something illegal and unethical. A settlement or verdict can help you with expenses and help bring you some peace of mind. We know no amount of money will make up for this loss, but you deserve some form of justice.

Our lawyers can help you seek damages for:

  • Emotional distress and anguish
  • Pain and suffering of the deceased
  • Funeral expenses
  • Loss of consortium
  • Any medical bills the deceased may have had before death
  • Exemplary damages

Our lawyers will review your case for the full extent of your losses, making sure to account for every potential damage you and your deceased family member may have suffered.

Laws That Protect Prisoners in Michigan

Prisoners have civil rights that others must respect, but they are often vulnerable to deadly abuse while incarcerated. Some of the laws that we can use to argue that your loved one’s rights were violated include:

These and other federal and state laws should protect prisoners, and any violations of prisoner rights can mean you and your loved ones can seek civil and criminal actions.

Call Our Michigan Prisoner Abuse Lawyers Now for Help

Regardless of the cause of death while in prison, it’s possible that someone’s behaviors or lack of actions violated your loved one’s civil rights. Let us help you seek justice and prevent future victims. We can answer questions about procedural time limits, qualifications, and other concerns when you call.

Call the Michigan prisoner death & suicide lawyers at Christensen Law now. We offer free initial consultations and contingency fee arrangements, so you have nothing to lose by calling.