Michigan Wrongful Termination Lawyer

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Michigan Wrongful Termination Lawyer

To fire someone lawfully, an employer has to show that they have a good reason for letting the employee go. They cannot fire someone as retaliation for a protected activity or because of who the person is. If you believe you were terminated wrongfully, our lawyers in Michigan want to help.

Christensen Law is not interested in settling for less: we want to secure true justice for you and your family. Call us today for a free case review and find out how our Michigan civil rights lawyers will advocate for you. You pay no attorneys’ fees unless we win.

Why Hire Our Michigan Wrongful Termination Attorneys?

It is normal for you to feel conflicted about the next steps following a wrongful termination. You deserve a lawyer who will take your concerns seriously and put all of their resources into fighting your case.

Christensen Law wants to provide exactly that type of caring representation. We encourage you to contact our law firm right away if you want:

Compassionate, Respectful Legal Representation

We always put our clients’ needs first. Not only will our Michigan wrongful termination lawyers listen closely and sympathetically as you share your story, but we also provide a new perspective and honest advice about your case.

To Focus on Recovering from the Wrongful Termination

You are under a great deal of stress right now. The last thing you want or need is to try to handle a legal action by yourself. Our civil rights law firm in Michigan will take care of everything for you, including:

  • Filing paperwork
  • Speaking with other involved parties
  • Investigating the civil rights violation
  • Negotiating for a fair settlement
  • Representing you in court

Legal Support from a Wrongful Termination Lawyer with Experience

Civil rights cases are different from other kinds of cases and require particular knowledge and experience. Our civil rights legal team is ready to put the full force of our years of experience behind your case.

When our clients need us, we are there. Christensen Law encourages clients to contact us any time they need or want information. Our law firm always makes time to address our clients’ biggest concerns and make sure they understand what is happening.

After Wrongful Termination in Michigan, You Deserve Compensation for Damages

You were fired wrongfully and perhaps very suddenly. As a result, you and your family have suffered:

  • Financially: Without the income from your job, you may have to go on unemployment, rely on others for assistance, or give up the things your family enjoys having until you find another job.
  • Professionally: You had plans for how your career would go, including pursuing opportunities for advancement and raises. This firing has forced you to alter those plans.
  • Psychologically: Being left without a job is very upsetting. So is knowing or suspecting that you were fired in violation of your basic legal rights.

Below is a list of the kind of damages our Michigan wrongful termination lawyers will seek on your behalf to help your family cope with the effects of this civil rights violation.

Suing for Economic Losses Connected to the Wrongful Termination

Our wrongful termination law firm in Michigan will collect all available evidence—including bills, receipts, tax filings, and employment records—to prove that you deserve compensation for:

  • Lost wages: Your family depends on your salary. We will push your employer to pay you for the money you would have earned had they not violated your rights.
  • Lost employment: In addition to seeking backpay, our Michigan attorneys could fight to get you your old job back. If you do not want to return to your old job, we will ensure you receive a proper severance package.
  • Expenses related to the termination: For example, if you lost the health insurance you got through your employer and had to buy a new policy at a higher rate, we will seek reimbursement for the difference between the costs of the two plans.

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State Law Allows Wrongful Termination Victims to Seek Non-Economic Damages

The strain of being illegally fired has taken a toll on your entire family. Our wrongful termination attorneys will make sure to include the mental cost of this civil rights violation in your legal action by fighting for compensation for:

  • Emotional distress: Losing your job, especially under these circumstances, often causes fear, anxiety, and even anger. Since you would not have experienced this anguish had your employer respected your rights, your emotional distress is a compensable damage.
  • New or worsened symptoms of mental health conditions: You may be diagnosed with a new condition due to the stress of termination or the circumstances that led up to the termination. Alternately, if you already have a diagnosed mental health condition, you might notice more intense symptoms or require more help from a medical professional.
  • Pain and suffering from physical symptoms or injuries: As the Mayo Clinic explains, significant psychological strain can lead to physical pain, such as headaches or stomach trouble.

To find out how we will fight for these and other damages, call Christensen Law for a free consultation today.

What Constitutes a Wrongful Termination in Michigan?

It goes without saying that employers do have the right to fire employees, but only if they have a legally valid reason for doing so. Such reasons may include if:

  • The employee is not a good fit for the company, either because of their temperament or because they cannot fulfill the job duties they agreed to.
  • The company is reorganizing or downsizing, and they cannot afford or no longer need a particular employee.
  • The employee engages in unlawful behavior, such as stealing from the company or threatening another employee.

However, just because an employer claims that they fired you for one of these reasons does not necessarily mean that is true. Our wrongful termination lawyers in Michigan are ready to review your situation and tell you how to take action if you were fired under false pretenses.

Examples of Wrongful Termination Under the Law

The United States government states that the following four circumstances all fall under wrongful termination:

  • Discrimination: For example, if a disabled employee asks for reasonable accommodations, the employer must give it to them. They cannot fire the employee just because they find the request inconvenient.
  • Legal violations: Your employer cannot fire you for taking part in protected activities, such as joining a union. If this is the reason you were terminated, your employer has broken federal law, and our law firm wants to hold them to account.
  • Reporting violations: You have the right to talk to your boss or someone higher up in the company about safety hazards, harassment, and civil rights violations. Your employer cannot and should not use your report as an excuse to terminate employment.
  • Refusal to participate in violations: Say that your boss pushes you to work in an unsafe environment, you refuse, and they fire you. This is wrongful termination, and our lawyers in Michigan will help you take action.

Proving that Your Case Involves Wrongful Termination

Michigan is home to employers of all sizes, from mom-and-pop stores to large corporations like Ford, Lear, and Kellogg’s. Every one of these companies has a responsibility to treat workers fairly and to thoughtfully address employee concerns.

Our wrongful termination lawyers want to make sure that all Michigan employers respect those rights. We will even work on contingency, so you pay us nothing until we win your case.

Our Michigan Wrongful Termination Attorneys Want to Know About Your Case

The Michigan wrongful termination lawyers at Christensen Law want to make sure your voice is heard. During your free consultation, our team will listen compassionately and attentively to your story. This allows us to come up with the right strategy for protecting your rights and winning compensation. Call today to learn more.