Michigan Civil Rights Lawyer

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Michigan Civil Rights Lawyer

Michiganders have the right to go about their business—including going to work, attending school, and finding a place to live—without fear of discrimination. If someone has violated your civil rights, our Michigan lawyers will put your needs first as we advocate for you and your family.

At Christensen Law, our advocacy has multiple goals. Not only do our Michigan personal injury lawyers want to secure fair compensation for you, we want to prove to all businesses and individuals that violating the civil rights of others does not pay. Call us today for a free, confidential consultation.

How Our Lawyers Handle Civil Rights Cases in Michigan

As far as our Michigan civil rights lawyers are concerned, discrimination is never acceptable, period. Not only is it illegal on both the state and federal level, it is morally indefensible, and civil rights violations cause incalculable harm.

You deserve to have your rights respected, no matter who you are. If those rights are violated, Christensen Law will step in to defend you by:

Listening Attentively to Your Civil Rights Story

We believe deeply in the importance of letting each client tell their own story in their own way. When you contact us for a free case review, you can depend on our team to:

  • Pay attention to everything you have to say
  • Ask intelligent questions
  • Address all of your concerns
  • Accurately assess your case’s merits
  • Identify clear, actionable next steps for you to take

Collecting Evidence of the Civil Rights Violation

Our civil rights lawyers in Michigan will strengthen your case as much as possible with evidence from all available sources. This could include:

  • Testimony from both you and the at-fault party
  • Testimony from witnesses who saw what happened or who have important information regarding the incident
  • Photos or video footage
  • Any prior complaints made against the at-fault party by you or others
  • Your medical records, if the violation led to physical or psychological injury

Fighting for the Damages Your Case Entitles You to in Michigan

State law allows you to seek damages for all losses tied to the violation of your rights. Everyone’s situation is different, so we will work diligently to determine which of the following you should ask for:

  • Financial losses, such as lost wages, lost job opportunities, or medical expenses (including mental healthcare)
  • Physical losses, such as pain and suffering or disability
  • Psychological losses, such as emotional distress or reduced quality of life
  • Projected future losses, such as if you were permanently disabled or if the discrimination will have long-term financial consequences

Once we know your case’s value, we will do everything possible to get you the money you need. Although not every case goes to court, we treat every case like we will have to represent the client at trial. This way, we are prepared for whatever happens.

Treating Civil Rights Clients with Compassion and Respect

Our law firm understands that this is a very difficult moment for you and your family. Our clients depend on us to put their needs first and help them cope with a terrible situation—and we always strive to fulfill those expectations.

This approach has worked for us for over 30 years and led to grateful testimonials from clients like Timothy Taylor, who says, “If it wasn’t for Christensen Law, I don’t know where I would be today.”

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What Counts as a Civil Rights Violation in Michigan?

The civil rights attorneys at Christensen Law have dedicated our careers to being the voice of the unheard. Our legal team will pay careful attention as you explain what happened and why you believe the incident constitutes a civil rights violation.

Our past experience has taught us that civil rights laws can be broken in many different ways, and that there is no single path toward seeking justice for these situations. Below you will find more information about the breadth of cases we are capable of managing for Michigan clients.

People Whose Civil Rights Are Protected Under Michigan and Federal Law

If you are part of a group that is protected under federal or state law, we want to make sure that your rights are respected—and that you get the legal advice and assistance you deserve if someone violates those rights. Our Michigan civil rights law firm helps clients who have been discriminated against on the basis of:

  • Age
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Race
  • Color
  • Ethnic origins
  • Criminal record
  • Religion
  • Disability or medical status

Call Christensen Law today so our lawyers can start representing you for no upfront costs. We do not want cost to be a barrier to your receiving the legal representation you want, so we make sure you pay nothing until we win for you.

Types of Civil Rights Violations We Take in Michigan

The civil rights attorneys at our Michigan firm represent people who have suffered discrimination of all kinds. That includes cases which revolve around:

  • Housing: Your ability to rent, lease, or purchase a house or apartment should not rest on any factors beyond your ability to afford the place and to abide by reasonable rules of the building or neighborhood.
  • School: School boards and teachers should treat students fairly by awarding the grades they deserve and offering extra help as needed. If they do not, our civil rights lawyers will advocate for you.
  • Employment: The only thing employers have a right to know or consider when considering job candidates is the candidates’ relevant background and education and ability to do the job. Firing or refusing to hire someone on any other grounds is discrimination.
  • Police misconduct: The police have an obligation to treat everyone equitably. They should never harass, arrest, or imprison someone based on how they look or speak, and they should not use an unjustified amount of force (e.g., tasering someone who has their hands up).
  • Voter suppression: If you are a citizen, you have the right to cast your ballot without fear, intimidation, or undue difficulty. Anyone who infringes on that right should be held accountable. Our Michigan attorneys will help you do this.

What to Do if Someone Violates Your Civil Rights

It is normal to feel angry, distraught, and even frightened after having your basic rights violated. It may help to remember that you are not powerless. There are steps you can take starting today that can make it easier to attain justice after this upsetting episode:

Report Your Civil Rights Violation

Who you should report to depends on what kind of violation you experienced. A complaint about discrimination should go to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR), while a hate crime report should, according to the MDCR, go to:

  • Local law enforcement
  • The state attorney general
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Filing such reports creates a track record of the civil rights violation and its effect on you. Christensen Law will request copies of any reports you make and use them to prove you deserve damages.

Preserve Evidence of the Civil Rights Violation

You could already have some of the evidence you need to prove your civil rights case. It is a good idea to save whatever materials you have pertaining to your relationship with the liable party, such as:

  • Texts, emails, or voicemails that document your interactions with the liable party
  • Bills or receipts from expenses related to the violation, such as medical bills from when you went to the doctor to treat your injury
  • Photos of the consequences of the violation, e.g., physical injuries
  • Video footage of the violation, e.g., a cell phone video showing how the police mistreated you
  • The names of people who are close to you and with whom you shared some or all of your story—these people can now serve as corroborating witnesses

Preserving materials like these can make it easier for our civil rights attorneys to build up your casefile, but do not worry if you do not have (or are not sure if you have) any evidence. It is our job to collect evidence, not yours, and we still want to help, even if the only thing you can offer is your personal recollections of what happened.

Speak to Our Michigan Civil Rights Lawyers

At Christensen Law, our mission is to protect everyone in Michigan by securing fair compensation from those who violate civil rights laws. We encourage you to call us as soon as you can, even if you are not 100 percent sure if you have a case.

Part of our job is to assess the merits of each person’s case and help them to better understand what next steps they should take. The sooner you call us, the sooner we will begin fighting for you.

Our Civil Rights Attorneys Stand Up for Michiganders

Christensen Law has been protecting the rights of citizens like you since 1991. Our Michigan civil rights lawyers are eager to learn about your situation so we can determine which federal or state laws were broken in your case and figure out the right way to get justice. Call for a free consultation now.