Macomb, MI Personal Injury Lawyers

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Macomb, MI Personal Injury Lawyers

If you or a family member suffered serious injuries because of someone else’s careless or reckless behavior, you have rights. Our lawyers help injured individuals and families seek and recover fair compensation after auto accidents, falls, construction accidents, and other incidents.

When you hire a Macomb, MI, personal injury lawyer from Christensen Law, we will spare no resources to get you the results you need and deserve. Our injury lawyers understand the expenses and losses that come with a catastrophic injury. Some of our team members have faced this difficult time with our own families, so you can trust us to represent you and fight for justice.

Contact us today for a free consultation with our team.

Count on Our Macomb County Personal Injury Lawyer to Deliver Results

At Christensen Law, our team of attorneys represents victims of catastrophic personal injury accidents. These are common traffic collisions, but we do handle a wide range of other cases. We aim to be the voice of the unheard. We will listen to what happened, take the time to understand how it affects you and your loved ones, and fight for justice.

We will always pursue a fair payout and never settle a case just to put it behind us. We are interested in holding the liable party accountable and recovering the money you deserve. We will use firm resources to develop a convincing case and pursue the payout you need to cover your current and future costs.

Our trial lawyers will file a lawsuit and take the case in front of a jury when necessary. We have the time, money, experience, and skill to manage this process from start to finish and win fair compensation for you. In fact, our lawyers approach every case like it is going to trial. We investigate what happened, gather extensive evidence, and prepare a compelling argument to recover maximum compensation based on the case facts.

Millions Won for Our Personal Injury Clients

We have had tremendous success recovering multi-million dollar awards and settlements for our clients, including record-setting personal injury payouts. Since 1991, we have advocated for our clients through settlement negotiations with insurance companies and at trial. Some recent outcomes include:

  • $17.8 Million: Record-breaking recovery for the survivor of a truck versus car collision
  • $9.5 Million: Recovered for a motorcycle accident victim
  • $4.197 Million: Secured for the victim of an auto accident
  • $3 Million: Payout in a pedestrian-auto collision
  • $1.6 Million: Daycare abuse injury payout to a preschooler and their family
  • $1.2 Million: Paid to the victim of a pedestrian vs. car crash

Our attorneys work based on contingency fees. You do not need to pay any costs upfront. We use firm resources to investigate what happened and cover other related expenses. We only get paid after we reach a settlement or verdict in your case and only if we win a financial recovery for you.

Contact us today to learn more. We provide a free consultation for those with serious injuries in Macomb, MI.

What Damages Will a Macomb, MI, Personal Injury Attorney Pursue in My Case?

When our Macomb, MI, legal team takes on your injury case, we work to identify all the expenses and losses you experienced because of your accident, injuries, and treatment. This is a crucial step in maximizing your financial recovery. We must present strong evidence to show why the insurance company or liable party should pay the money we are demanding on your behalf.

Our lawyers know the most common expenses and losses in these cases and will uncover your range of costs, current and future. The money we seek to recover will include:

Economic Damages

These are the to-date losses and expenses you incurred. They include medical care and related costs, income losses, related expenses with receipts, and more. Save all bills and receipts you receive to help us calculate the value of your current economic damages.

Non-Economic Damages

Your non-economic losses are intangible losses experienced because of an accident and injuries. They account for the emotional and psychological effects of your case. This could include anxiety and depression, PTSD, emotional distress, mental anguish, diminished quality of life, pain and suffering, and more.

Future Expenses and Losses

We pursue compensation for your estimated future and ongoing costs due to your injuries. This includes medical monitoring, care and support, diminished earning capacity, and expenses related to any lasting impairments you now live with. We work with medical experts, economists, and others to understand your prognosis, any disabilities, and your future care needs.

Wrongful Death Damages

If your loved one died from Macomb, MI, personal injuries, wrongful death damages are available for surviving family members. These damages vary from case to case but often include the income your loved one earned and the services they provided, among other losses.

Start Your Claim – Get in Touch with Our Macomb Personal Injury Lawyers!
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What Types of Cases Does Christensen Law Handle in Macomb, MI?

Christensen Law is a personal injury law firm serving Macomb, MI. We can handle almost any case where one party’s negligence caused another to suffer physical, emotional, and financial harm. If someone else’s carelessness or recklessness caused your Macomb, MI, injuries, we are here to help.

We most commonly represent clients who suffered catastrophic injuries in:

  • Auto Accidents: Serious traffic accidents involving our client and another at-fault driver on main roads like 25 Mile Road or Romeo Plank Road
  • Pedestrian Accidents: Vehicle versus pedestrian collisions with life-altering injuries
  • Bicycle Accidents: Car vs. bicyclist crashes that cause serious injuries
  • Construction Accidents: Workers, guests, and visitors hurt on construction sites in Macomb, MI, can often hold the property owner accountable
  • Electrocutions: Workers or guests who suffer electrocution injuries due to the property owner’s negligence
  • Slip & Falls: Serious injuries from slips, trips, and stair falls often support a case against the owner of the property where they occurred
  • Boating Accidents: Serious injuries can occur in boating and jet ski incidents on nearby Lake St. Clair

Injuries in a Macomb Personal Injury Case

Most of the cases we handle focus on recovering compensation and holding the liable party accountable for catastrophic injuries. Catastrophic injuries are those that alter your future. They may cause limiting impairments or significant disabilities that prevent you from returning to your career or activities you enjoy. Some examples include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries, head trauma, skull fractures, and concussions
  • Neck and back injuries, including spinal cord injuries that involve full and partial paralysis
  • Amputations and loss of use injuries
  • Significant burns and scarring

While we are familiar with a wide range of catastrophic injuries and the treatment, rehabilitation, and management required, we are especially proud of our ability to hold negligent parties responsible for traumatic brain injuries and recover compensation for our clients living with them. Attorney David Christensen has won 95 percent of the brain injury cases he has tried.

He is well-versed in these injuries and the science behind them. He can use his knowledge of and familiarity with neuroimaging, neuropsychology, and micro-damage to discuss these injuries with medical experts and gather support for your claim by documenting your traumatic brain injury and how it affects your life.

How Our Macomb, MI, Lawyers Fight for the Money Our Clients Deserve

It is possible to use solid evidence to show what happened and why our clients deserve a fair payout. Using our experience and skill, we present a convincing argument to the insurance company and negotiate a settlement agreement that compensates our client appropriately for their expenses and losses.

An out-of-court settlement allows us to get a good outcome for our client without the time and money investment required to take a case to trial. Negotiated settlements generally allow our lawyers to end a case sooner and recover money for our client faster.

However, we will take cases to trial when necessary. We ensure every case we handle is ready for the courtroom, so we are prepared if this occurs. We will not settle for less than our client deserves just to put the case behind us. You can count on our Macomb, MI, attorneys to fight for the maximum compensation available based on your case.

FAQs for Our Macomb, MI Personal injury Attorneys

Some of the questions we frequently answer for our clients include:

How Can I Get Updates About My Case?

Our attorneys pride ourselves on clear, open communication with our clients. We provide regular case updates, and you will have several ways to contact your legal team throughout the claims process. You can call, text, or email for an update anytime you have questions and expect a quick response.

When Is a Lawsuit Necessary in a Personal Injury Case?

Sometimes, filing a personal injury lawsuit and preparing a case to go to trial is the best option to get the money you deserve. This may be necessary if the insurance carrier refuses to make a fair settlement, there are questions of fact in the case, or there are other reasons why your attorney believes you should let a judge or jury decide the case.

Where Will They File My Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Where you will file your personal injury lawsuit will depend on the potential value of your case and the location where the accident occurred. For cases likely worth more than $25,000 that occurred in Macomb Township, your lawyer will file the paperwork to begin your lawsuit in the Macomb County 16th Judicial Circuit Court.

If you live in Macomb County but your injuries occurred elsewhere, your attorney will review the case facts to determine where they should file the lawsuit.

How Will I Know What to Expect If My Case Goes to Trial?

Filing a lawsuit does not mean your case will go to trial. Many Macomb, MI, personal injury lawsuits settle out of court. Still, some cases do go before a judge and jury. If this happens in your case, our trial lawyer will ensure you know what to do and what to expect throughout this process.

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What Is the Timeline for a Macomb, MI, Personal Injury Case?

If you were hurt in Macomb, MI, you should consider your legal options for recovering compensation as soon as your injuries are healing, and you have a clear mind to do so. If your loved one has catastrophic injuries, you will likely want to consider the options to help your family pay for their case as soon as possible.

When we take on a case in the first days or weeks after injuries occurred, we can often identify, preserve, and analyze more evidence to support a claim. Much of the evidence to show what happened and who is responsible disappears over time, and it could only take days or weeks for this to occur.

If a lawsuit is necessary, we only have a limited time to prepare and file the paperwork that begins a lawsuit. For both personal injury and wrongful death cases, you generally have up to three years to officially file the complaint under Michigan Compiled Laws § 600.5805. However, exceptions exist. You could have a different deadline in your case. For example, if a government employee or entity was to blame for your accident and injuries.

In a car accident, some victims file No-Fault claims and then struggle to get the money they deserve for their covered losses from their Personal Injury Protection (PIP) policy provider. If we need to sue to recover a PIP payout, Michigan Compiled Laws § 500.3145 only gives us one year to get started.

How Can I Learn More About How a Macomb, MI, Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help Me?

Christensen Law represents victims who suffer serious injuries in negligence accidents in Michigan. We provide free consultations so you can hear more about our process and find out your legal options. Learn how our Macomb, MI, personal injury lawyers approach cases similar to yours and how they can help you pursue the money you need and deserve.

Contact us today to get started.