What To Know While in the Hospital After a Car Crash

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After an auto accident it is always a good idea to see a doctor. Often, though, there is no choice. A car crash can easily land you in the hospital for days, weeks, or longer. While you are there, here are some tips on what to do to help your no-fault insurance claim later on.

Focus on Healing First

While you are in the hospital, your first priority should be your health. The Michigan No-Fault Act is designed to compensate you for time off work and any medical expenses, as well as attendant care and replacement services. So don’t worry about your job or hiring a babysitter to watch the children. Just focus on getting healthy.

Make Sure You Understand Your Diagnosis

There are a lot of doctors, treatments, and tests that come into your life during a hospital stay. It can be easy to get lost in what is happening and why. When the doctor comes around, make sure you are perfectly clear on your diagnosis. Ask as many questions as it takes for you to understand what they are saying and what it means. If you have trouble understanding your doctor, your nurse may also be able to explain it another way that is clearer to you.

Take Notes

Even if you didn’t suffer a concussion or traumatic brain injury, your brain may not be functioning as clearly as usual in the days immediately following an accident. Trauma of any kind, including the emotional strain caused by a crash, can cause your brain to record memories differently, and that may make it harder to recall important details later on.

Give yourself a break by taking notes about who, what, when, and why for each visit. Write down any tests that need to be done and then check them off once they are complete. You may also want to ask a relative to act as a support person and help you keep everything straight.

Tell The Hospital About Your No-Fault Insurance

Toward the end of your stay, hospital staff will start to talk to you about payment. You may have already provided your health insurance information when you checked in. But if your injuries are related to the use of a motor vehicle, your medical bills will often be paid by your no-fault auto insurance first. To make your accident claim process smoother, make sure you provide a copy of your proof of auto insurance as well as your health insurance information.

Get an Auto Accident Attorney Involved Early

Depending on your auto insurance policy, you may need to file an initial notice of claim within days of your injury. But you don’t need to be thinking about paperwork while you are in the hospital. Ask someone in your support network to contact an auto accident attorney, like the team at Christensen Law. We can get your insurance claim started and make sure you have nothing to worry about while you are in the hospital.

Eileen O'Brien

Eileen joined the firm in 2020, where she manages marketing, strategic planning, and business development. A member of the Leadership Team, she is also focused on operational excellence, process improvement, change management, and culture alignment.