Flint Wrongful Death Lawyer

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No amount of money can return your loved one to you, but a Flint wrongful death attorney can help you get the compensation necessary to alleviate the financial strain the death has caused you.

Losing a loved one is perhaps the most painful experience of all, but when your loved one died a preventable death, your pain is intensified. Unfortunately, no one can bring your loved one back to you, but there are ways to help you move past the experience and look to the future.

By filing a wrongful death claim, you can receive a sense of justice, and the monetary compensation can help alleviate the financial strain a death causes on a family. While it may seem strange to seek compensation for your loss, your loved one would likely want you to have the financial stability you deserve.

There are many costs associated with a death. Compensation can help you give your loved one a proper burial; it can pay your loved one’s medical expenses; and it can allow you to prepare for a life without your lost family member.

Contact a Flint wrongful death lawyer at Christensen Law. We will help you receive full compensation for your loved one’s death.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in Michigan?

States vary on which family members can file wrongful death claims. In Michigan, the family’s representative files the lawsuit for wrongful death, but he or she does so on behalf of the family members who are allowed under the law to file.

The following are the family members who are permitted to seek compensation for wrongful death in Flint:

  • The spouse and children of the deceased
  • The parents and grandparents of the deceased
  • Brothers and sisters of the deceased
  • Children of the deceased’s spouse

If none of these are living, anyone mentioned in the deceased’s will or who would stand to inherit from the deceased’s estate may file for wrongful death.

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Examples of Wrongful Death Compensation

Certain losses are unique to families suffering from a wrongful death, and a wrongful death claim seeks to compensate the family for those losses.

When a person dies, he or she often leaves behind medical bills and other debts that the family must now deal with. Also, the family might have lost a major income stream as a result of the loved one’s death.

The following are damages typically awarded in successful Flint wrongful death claims:

  • Burial and funeral costs
  • The deceased’s lost future income
  • Medical expenses leading up to your loved one’s death
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of care and companionship

Your Flint Wrongful Death Attorney

No amount of monetary compensation could ever truly alleviate the grief caused by the loss of your loved one, but it could help you establish a stable financial future. When you’ve suffered because of someone else’s negligence, the negligent party should have to pay for your loss.

By working with a Flint wrongful death lawyer from Christensen Law, you will increase your chances of recovering the losses you’ve suffered due to the wrongful death of your loved one. Call us at 248-900-9000 or fill out our contact form below to discuss your case in a free consultation.