Detroit Child Injury Attorney

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child injury

Your child doesn’t deserve to suffer because of someone’s negligence. Speak with one of our Detroit child injury attorneys to learn more about your legal options as a concerned Detroit parent or guardian. 

The moment your child takes their first breath, you commit to protect them from harm. Because children are fragile and require near-constant guidance, you’re always slightly anxious about their safety. However, what happens when a person supervising your child is responsible for their injury?

Feelings of dread and angry may overwhelm you while tending to your child’s injuries. You may not know what actions to take next. By speaking with a Detroit child injury lawyer from our firm, you’ll better understand the process of filing a child injury claim and start your path toward winning compensation for your child.

Common Locations of Detroit Child Injuries

Not all child injuries occur because of negligence, but when they do, you are eligible to file a lawsuit on the child’s behalf. Whether it’s school, daycare, a dentist’s office, or even inside of a hospital, accidents can occur anywhere. Children are curious creatures and will often wander around their environment.

Due to their innocent nature, children are more prone to being taken advantage of or hurting themselves. Even in environments that are meant to be safe, children can find a way to injure themselves. Your child only needs a few moments to climb onto an object and fall off to suffer from a head injury. That’s why adults are responsible for ensuring dangerous objects are put away.

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Common Detroit Child Injuries

Because children are easily injured, there is a nearly endless number of ways your child can be hurt: car accidents, slip-and-falls, product defect accidents.

For this reason, many parents worry when thinking about the countless dangers that threaten their child. Whenever you place your child’s safety in the hands of someone else, you’ll worry about your child experiencing cuts, burns, and even poison from toxic substances such as cleaning products.

If your child falls victim to any of the horrifying scenarios above, you have the right to hold the liable party to account. Meeting one of our Detroit child injury attorneys can help you win compensation for your family.

Speak with a Detroit Child Injury Attorney

Christensen Law is here to help you obtain justice for your child’s injuries. When you place your child’s safety in the hands of another person, you expect to see your child returned to you unharmed. Although nothing can change the past, we can help you start the healing process for your child.

We’ll walk you through the often stressful process of a Detroit child injury claim and help guide you towards winning your case. To speak with one of our experienced Detroit child injury lawyers, call us at 248-900-9000. Our lawyers are eager to assist with your injury claim in any way we can. You can also contact using the form below to learn more.