Detroit No-Fault Medical Provider Attorney

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Recovering your financial losses after an accident can be difficult because of Michigan’s no-fault laws. In Michigan, motorists are required to carry personal injury protection (PIP) insurance, which, in theory, covers your medical expenses after a wreck.

Unfortunately, many insurance companies deny these claims, leaving you wondering why you had to pay for the benefits if they weren’t going to cover you when you needed them.

Unfortunately, it’s up to the patient to press the insurance company when claims for medical benefits are denied. Otherwise, you’ll be left to pay for your medical care out of pocket.

Many injury victims in this situation hire legal help. You can do so, too, by calling a Detroit no-fault medical provider lawyer at Christensen Law.

Why Do Insurers Deny Claims for Medical Expenses?

When you are injured in a car crash, you likely will need to visit a doctor or hospital for treatment. Presumably, your medical providers will only treat you in a way that is reasonable for your injuries and charge you a fair amount. But what if they don’t?

What if the Detroit medical provider conducts unnecessary tests or procedures that you are unaware of, or what if the medical provider charges outrageous fees for the services given to you? These are the reasons insurance companies point to—whether they are true or not—when they deny claims.

Your insurance company denies claims it deems unreasonable, leaving you to pay the medical costs on your own. Regardless of whether your doctor is charging too much or your insurance company is being stingy, you may want to contact a Detroit attorney to look into the matter quickly. You don’t want to be stuck holding the bill.

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Compensation Under the No-Fault System

Michigan’s no-fault auto insurance law began in 1973, and officials at the time believed it would be helpful for many reasons. One of those reasons was that it allowed for benefits to be paid out to consumers immediately, rather than forcing them to wait until a settlement or trial was complete to be paid.

Under your PIP benefits, you can receive almost immediate compensation for your lost wages and medical costs. PIP benefits don’t cover non-economic damages, however. Certain conditions will allow you to recover non-economic damages—typically those relating to serious injury cases.

If you’ve been seriously injured in a Detroit auto collision, here are some of the non-economic damages you could recover by filing a lawsuit against a negligent driver:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Scarring or disfigurement
  • Mental trauma
  • Reduced quality of life

Call a Detroit No-Fault Medical Provider Attorney

If your insurance company has denied your claim, you may need to sue for the compensation you need so you can pay your medical providers. This process can get complicated quickly, and you are likely going to need someone on your side who knows the ins and outs of Michigan’s no-fault laws.

To team up with a knowledgeable and professional attorney, get in touch with a Detroit no-fault medical provider lawyer at Christensen Law. Call us at 248-900-9000 or head to the bottom of this page to fill out our online contact form.