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It may seem a little hard to believe, but your no-fault insurance won’t cover intentional harm done to you with a vehicle. But you should file a claim anyway, because issues of intentional harm aren’t as clear as they first appear. No-Fault Benefits and Intentional Harm If you cause intentional harm…

What happens in the moments immediately after an auto accident can affect your life and your insurance claims for years to come. Don’t let panic lead you to make bad choices. Instead, use this checklist to protect yourself and your legal interests. 1. Get to Safety Immediately after an accident,…

After an auto accident, the last thing on your mind is probably whether or not you should be posting on social media. But Michigan’s electronic discovery laws could bring your innocent status update back to haunt you. Insurance company lawyers spend a lot of time and money to become experts…

car accident injury

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident in Michigan, you will quickly become acquainted with Michigan’s no-fault system. As someone injured in a car crash, you need to understand the details of Michigan’s no-fault laws and understand your rights and options under the no-fault system so that you…

What Governmental Immunity Means to Your Pedestrian Injury Lawsuit When a pedestrian accident happens, there can be a lot of players involved. The pedestrian, the motorist, but what about the city? Sometimes poorly maintained sidewalks put pedestrians in harm’s way, causing serious accidents. But that doesn’t mean you will necessarily…

Cold Michigan winters may send many pedestrians indoors. But when you decide to brave the weather, you may also be at a higher risk of a pedestrian accident. Here are some pedestrian safety tips to stay safe in the ice and snow. Stay Warm The cold weather can cause big…

Bicycle accident injuries can occur in a split second, just like an auto accident, but certain behaviors practiced by the cyclist or the driver of the motor vehicle involved in the accident can impact whether the collision occurs at all. There are also factors outside of a bicyclist’s control that may…

Common Traumatic Brain Injuries happen on a daily basis. Television medical dramas are peppered with diagnoses, injuries, and treatments, but when you hear a medical term for a traumatic brain injury (TBI) because it has happened to you or someone you love, the significance of the situation is altered tremendously. A TBI…

Some injuries show up clearly immediately after a car crash. Broken bones, cuts, and bruises are easily identified right away. But traumatic brain injury (TBI) can work differently. Unless the accident victim, family, friends, and doctors know what to look for, TBI can go undetected, making it far harder to treat later…

If you or a loved one has suffered a head injury in a car crash, your doctors might use several methods or tests to determine whether you have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI), issue a diagnosis, and prepare an appropriate treatment plan. TBI testing is a necessary step in…