Electronic Discovery in Michigan Auto Accident Claims

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Christensen Law 
David Christensen  
25925 Telegraph Rd #200  
Southfield, MI 48033 

These days, everything is online. Email and social media are party of everyday life. But what happens online doesn’t always stay there. What you put up on the web could negatively affect your auto accident lawsuit. When an insurance company uses electronic discovery, even your private posts can come back to haunt you.
Discovery is the legal process that lets your auto accident attorney and your insurance company collect information about your lawsuit. It includes written questions called Interrogatories, recorded interviews called Deposition, and document collection using subpoenas.

But documents don’t have to be on paper to cause problems. Electronic discovery allows your insurance company to request information from social media companies and email servers. Even if your privacy settings are locked down, your posts still might not be safe. Your auto accident attorneys will work hard to limit the insurance attorneys’ access to electronic discovery. But they can’t legally protect it all.

It is up to you to monitor what you put online. Pictures and posts that show you enjoying life might be great for connecting with friends and providing social support, but they can cause big problems for your auto accident lawsuit.
Using subpoenas to internet service providers and online services, the defendants in your case can get access to your private emails and social media posts. They will scan through all your content and pull out anything that will help them prove you don’t need no-fault benefits.

About David Christensen
At Christensen Law, we are leaders in helping victims of automobile and truck accidents. We understand the overwhelming challenges that come with these life-changing events, and we want to help. You are not alone – we will become your voice.

Christensen Law 
David Christensen  
25925 Telegraph Rd #200  
Southfield, MI 48033 