Common Michigan Auto Accident Injuries

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Christensen Law 
David Christensen  
25925 Telegraph Rd #200  
Southfield, MI 48033 

Common Auto Accident Injuries

Auto accidents are a nightmare for all involved, and when injuries are the result of a crash, the pain and struggle that follow are a constant reminder of how distracted driving or a negligent driver impacted your life with one poor choice. Here are some of the most common injuries sustained in an auto accident:

• Brain and Head Injuries

A head slamming into the steering wheel, the dashboard, the window glass, the car door – all of these contact injuries can lead to a head injury, be it a mild concussion or a traumatic brain injury. Even if there is no physical sign of trauma to your head – bruises, cuts, or open wounds – the collision can jostle your brain around inside of your skull, leading to the TBI.

• Neck Injuries

Neck injuries are often associated with car accidents, and they can take the form of mild whiplash to serious disc displacement or muscle strain. Soft tissue – or connective tissue – injuries occur because of the sudden – and often unexpected – movements to the neck in a collision.

• Face Injuries

Your face can be injured by almost anything in a car accident, from the steering wheel to the airbag, broken glass to loose items flying through the car. The result can be minor scrapes and cuts or major lacerations and fractures, including your jaw and teeth.

• Chest Injuries

Chest injuries can take the form of bruises, contusions, or, in more serious car accidents, broken ribs or internal injuries. This injury is common for drivers because of how they are positioned behind the steering wheel, and a driver will often collide with the wheel upon impact. Even a passenger, however, can experience severe bruising as a result of the brute force that throws them forward and with which their seat belt restrains them.

• Back Injuries

Auto accidents can lead to back sprains, fractures, disc problems, spine injuries, and more. Back injuries may not present themselves immediately after an accident, but this type of injury can be long-lasting and extremely painful, requiring months and even years of therapy and treatment to correct or at least manage. For many car accident victims, a back injury and constant back pain is life-altering.

• Limb Injuries

Knees, legs, and arms are very vulnerable areas of the body, especially for people who see their collision coming and tense up the split-second before the crash occurs. Injuries to your limbs and joints can range from cuts and bruises to broken bones, tearing, and dislocation. Your ankles and toes are also susceptible to injury

• Emotional or Psychological Injuries

Physical injuries are not the only outcome of an auto accident. It is not uncommon for car accident victims to suffer short-term or long-term emotional distress, even post-traumatic stress disorder after an auto accident.

About David Christensen
At Christensen Law, we are leaders in helping victims of automobile and truck accidents. We understand the overwhelming challenges that come with these life-changing events, and we want to help. You are not alone – we will become your voice.

Christensen Law 
David Christensen  
25925 Telegraph Rd #200  
Southfield, MI 48033 