Allyson Dean

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With over seven years of experience in personal injury litigation, specializing in presuit department operations, Allyson is an accomplished paralegal known for her expertise in refining processes and developing software systems to enhance case management and reporting efficiency. Her proficiency extends to various facets of legal practice, including legal drafting, understanding and application of legal procedures, and adherence to deadlines, among many other things. She is recognized for her adeptness in maximizing procedural efficiencies and bolstering productivity within the legal framework. Allyson’s commitment to excellence and her innovative approach to problem-solving make her an invaluable asset to the team.

In her spare time, she and her husband raise and breed ball pythons. They are proud members of USARK (United States Association of Reptile Keepers), a non-profit that promotes science-, education-, and conservation-based advocacy for all areas of responsible reptile keeping and leads a nationwide fight against harmful legal actions and/or legislative propositions in attempt to preserve the rights of the animals and those that keep them. She is a fan of Marvel and DC films, thrillers and mysteries, dogs, and enjoys sharing in the mutual love of music with her daughter. Football isn’t just a season for Allyson, it is a years-long passion, as evidenced by her office décor – a shrine to all things Detroit. #GOLIONS