Saginaw, MI Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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Saginaw, MI Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Christensen Law looks out for Michigan’s riding community because we are riders. We know first-hand how fun and exciting biking can be. We also know how dangerous it can be when motor vehicle drivers do not offer motorcyclists the safety and respect they deserve.

Since 1991, we have dedicated our practice to helping injured clients seek justice. If you or your loved one suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident, our Saginaw personal injury lawyers will fight for the compensation you need to heal. Call us today to get started with a free consultation.

Christensen Law Protects the Rights of Injured Motorcyclists

Bikers have the same right to the road as any car or truck driver. Sadly, drivers do not always honor this right and fail to give riders the space and courtesy they deserve. When drivers act negligently and hurt motorcyclists, they should take responsibility. However, too often, they look to blame the biker for participating in an activity that is “dangerous” or “too risky.”

At Christensen Law, we will never make you feel guilty for doing something you love or question your decision to ride. We know most bikers know how to operate their bikes and keep themselves safe, and we will not allow at-fault parties to put the responsibility for the accident or its costs on you.

Our Saginaw, MI, motorcycle accident lawyers will work tirelessly to build a solid claim for compensation while you focus on your health. Recoverable damages may include:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Lost income, lost future earnings, and reduced earning capacity
  • Motorcycle repair or replacement costs
  • Household services
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish and emotional distress
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

We Have Won Significant Motorcycle Accident Settlements and Verdicts

Our decades of personal injury experience mean we have intimate knowledge of the struggles our clients face. We know money cannot heal an injury, but it can give you the resources you need to get life back on track without jeopardizing your financial future.

We want you to tell your story so that we can craft an individualized legal strategy for your case and offer you practical support at every stage. Our client-first approach has led to multi-million dollar case results for crash victims, including a $9.5 settlement for a motorcycle rider who suffered severe injuries caused by a negligent driver.

Our firm is more interested in getting full and fair awards than we are in resolving cases quickly for less. We prepare every case for civil court and will represent you at trial if that’s what it takes to get the money owed to you and your family. Call today for a free consultation and connect with a Saginaw, MI, motorcycle accident lawyer near you.

How to Seek Motorcycle Accident Compensation in Michigan

Motorcycle accident cases in Michigan can be complex because of the state’s No-Fault insurance system. Under the law, motor vehicle drivers must carry personal injury protection (PIP) insurance to pay for medical expenses and other collision damages after a crash, regardless of who is at fault.

However, according to the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS), motorcycles are not “motor vehicles,” and riders are exempt from carrying PIP. Instead, DIFS states that injured bikers can recover compensation from the No-Fault policy of the operator or owner of the other vehicle involved in the crash. If no PIP insurance is available, riders can seek up to $250,000 in medical benefits via the Michigan Assigned Claims Plan (MACP).

If a biker has medical bills that exceed applicable PIP policies, they may qualify to seek compensation from an at-fault driver with an auto liability insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. Our motorcycle accident lawyers will discuss your case with you and pursue every available avenue for recovering your losses. Some questions we may ask you about your accident include:

  • Who do you think was at fault for the accident?
  • Was anyone given a ticket? 
  • Did the other driver have insurance? 
  • Who owns the motorcycle you were driving or riding? 
  • Did the motorcycle have insurance? 
  • What injuries did you suffer?
  • Have you received medical treatment? 

Don’t Settle for Less – Consult a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Now!
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We Will Handle the Details of Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

Christensen Law spares no resources when seeking compensation for our clients. We will handle every detail of your case, from investigating your accident to managing paperwork and deadlines to aggressively negotiating on your behalf.

Our level of support and commitment to service have earned us numerous positive testimonials from riders we have helped, like the following:

“Wonderful experience during a tough time. After my motorcycle accident, I was completely lost on what to do. [Christensen Law] helped me get my bills paid. Thankful for them.” – Donald Dupree

“If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident and don’t know where to turn for a knowledgeable legal team, Christensen Law truly cares and is there to help every step of the way” – Adam Nael

We Support the Riding Community

We care about riders because we are riders. Our firm is active in Michigan’s motorcycle community. We believe in supporting bikers and veterans by sponsoring events like the Hell to Paradise PTSD Awareness Ride.

Also, check out our Bikers Helping Injured Bikers Facebook page for updates about local events and how our firm serves area riders.

File Your Motorcycle Accident Case Before Time Runs Out

You do not have unlimited time to seek damages for a motorcycle accident. According to Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 500.3145, you have one year to file suit if you must take legal action to secure PIP benefits. According to Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 600.5805, you have three years to file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit.

Contact Christensen Law for Motorcycle Accident Help

Compassion. Integrity. Teamwork. Excellence. These are our guiding principles and our promise to you. If you suffered injuries in a collision, our Saginaw, MI, motorcycle accident attorneys are here for you. Call Christensen law today for a free consultation. We take cases on contingency.