Rochester Hills Wrongful Death Lawyer

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Rochester Hills Wrongful Death Lawyer

If your loved one died in a Rochester Hills accident or incident caused by someone else’s negligence, Michigan law allows you to hold that party liable for the expenses, losses, and other damages your loved one suffered. A Rochester Hills personal injury lawyer at Christensen Law is here to help.

Our team approaches every case we handle as if it will go to trial. Expect us to build the strongest possible case to get justice for your loved one and your family. We will spare no resources seeking and recovering the money you need and deserve during this difficult time. Contact us today to learn how a Rochester Hills wrongful death lawyer can help you. Our initial case consultations are always free.

How Our Rochester Hills Wrongful Death Attorneys Approach These Cases

At Christensen Law, many of the cases we handle are catastrophic or fatal injury cases. We understand the stresses these serious accidents put on families, both emotionally and financially. We strive to be the voice of the unheard by listening to you, what you’re going through, and how losing your loved one has affected your family.

We are here to protect your rights, fight for your best interests, and secure your family financially. Your needs come first, and that includes recovering maximum compensation based on the case facts. We are interested in getting the justice you deserve, never settling the case to avoid litigation or a difficult trial. Our clients never pay any cash upfront for our services. Instead, we get paid only from the money we recover for your family.

We Have Dedicated Our Practice to Helping People Like You

We have fought for the money our clients deserve since 1991. We have a long history of winning big awards and settlements for victims and their families. Some recent wrongful death case awards include:

  • $9.5 million verdict for the family of a 31-year-old man who died from survivable stab wounds after store employees failed to call for help
  • $1.625 million recovery for the family of a man killed in an accident caused by the driver of a commercial van

You can discuss your case and legal options for free today. We will answer your questions and help you understand how we will seek and secure compensation to cover your economic and non-economic losses following your loved one’s shocking death.

Our Rochester Hills Lawyer Knows How Michigan Wrongful Death Laws Work

When we manage a wrongful death case, we generally work closely with the victim’s personal representative. You might also hear this person called the executor of the will or the estate administrator. Commonly, they are named in the deceased party’s will. They might also need to be identified through the probate process if the victim died without a will.

If you are not sure of who should serve as the plaintiff in a wrongful death action, contact us. As long as you are an immediate family member—spouse, parent, or an adult child—we will discuss the case with you and help to determine who will most likely serve in this role.

While the personal representative is generally a close family member, this might not always be true. Sometimes, an individual names another trusted party to oversee their estate. However, the money recovered in these cases goes to the heirs, not the personal representative. Certain heirs recover compensation in a wrongful death case. This generally includes:

  • A surviving spouse
  • Surviving children
  • Surviving parents

Under some circumstances, others can receive compensation, too. This could include grandparents or siblings, depending on the circumstances.

Handling Your Case With Compassion and Expertise

Our Rochester Hills wrongful death lawyer will manage this process from start to finish. We help families understand their rights, how this process works, and how to proceed with their case. Our experience and knowledge allow us to easily navigate the process outlined in the Michigan Wrongful Death Act, MCL § 600.2922.

This statute provides guidance and details about:

  • Who can file a Rochester Hills wrongful death action
  • How to navigate the legal procedures
  • How to notify potential heirs about the case and their rights
  • The types of damages recoverable
  • What you must do to file and negotiate or litigate a case
  • How to distribute the settlement or award to heirs

In general, you will spend time with your family and return to your previous activities while we handle the case based on your loved one’s death. We know how to build convincing cases based on many types of accidents and incidents, including:

Wrongful death cases are usually the result of negligence. Negligence occurs when one party’s careless or reckless behavior causes injury or death to another. While this negligence may not be malicious, people owe a duty of care based on their circumstances. For example, anyone operating a vehicle owes a duty of care to other drivers and pedestrians. Certain actions, like aggressive driving or drunk driving, indicate a violation of this duty.

Seeking Justice? Contact Our Rochester Hills Wrongful Death Lawyer Today!
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How Will a Rochester Hills Wrongful Death Lawyer Calculate Recoverable Damages?

Before we can demand the liable party’s insurance carrier pay for your family’s expenses and losses, we must have compelling evidence of the damages you incurred because of your loved one’s death. In other words, we must document and estimate the fair settlement range for your case.

As part of our investigation and case building, we seek as much documentation about your loved one’s accident, injuries, and death as possible. We also gather bills, receipts, and other documents showing the related costs and losses. This, sometimes with the help of economists and other experts, allows us to better understand the damages your family endured.

Some of the most common recoverable damages in wrongful death cases include:

  • Reasonable medical costs, including ambulance transportation, emergency department care, and any attempts at life-saving treatment they received
  • Reasonable funeral and burial expenses, paid to the party who paid them
  • Compensation for any conscious pain and suffering endured by the victim before their passing
  • Loss of income and financial support the victim provided to the family
  • Loss of services the victim previously provided
  • Loss of the victim’s love, companionship, care, and other intangible losses

As you can imagine, the potential value of these cases varies widely. A car accident victim who suffered catastrophic injuries but survived for several weeks after a crash will have much higher medical bills and pain and suffering losses than someone who died instantly. How much the party earned and the support they provided at home matter, too.

How Will My Rochester Hills Wrongful Death Attorney Handle My Case?

From the day you hire our team, you can count on us to manage your case, advocate for your financial future, and fight for the compensation your family deserves. We will fight for justice for you and your lost loved one, never backing down, even if we need to take the case to trial.

We prepare every case like we will need to take it in front of a judge and jury, developing the strongest case possible for maximum compensation.

Why Is Preserving Evidence Quickly Essential to the Case?

Evidence often disappears, is forgotten, or is lost quickly after an accident. This could include video of what happened, details from eyewitness statements, and physical evidence held by the liable party. If we do not act quickly to preserve it, we could lose crucial evidence.

How Will My Lawyer Protect My Family’s Right to Fair Compensation?

Your attorney will immediately begin proactively protecting your family’s right to fair compensation as soon as you hire our firm to manage the case. This includes taking over all communication about the case, including with the insurance companies, liable party, and other involved attorneys. We also handle any necessary communication with insurance adjusters, the courts, or other parties. This ensures you do not have to worry about saying the wrong thing or having your words misconstrued by others.

How Do I Know When the Deadline Is to File a Lawsuit?

The statute of limitations sets the deadline for filing a wrongful death lawsuit in Michigan. Most families have up to three years to file a wrongful death action under Michigan Compiled Laws § 600.5805. However, there are exceptions that could reduce how long you can wait to sue. Our team will assess your options and ensure you understand the timeline for your case during your free consultation.

Discuss Your Rochester Hills Wrongful Death Case with Our Team

Christensen Law is here for your family if you lost a loved one in an untimely and tragic accident. Our Rochester Hills wrongful death lawyer can determine the strength of your case, the types of compensation you can recover, and who in your family should serve as the plaintiff in the case.

Use our online contact form or call our number to learn more. We have someone available to take your call now.