Michigan Truck Accident Lawyer

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Semi Truck Accident Lawyer in Michigan

Injuries caused by a truck accident can be devastating to you and your family and have lasting consequences. Just dealing with the immediate issues can be overwhelming – who will pay for your medical bills, how will you get your car fixed or replaced, what happens if you can’t work? While these are all legitimate concerns, you should be focused on medical treatment and healing in the aftermath of such an accident.

At Christensen Law, we understand the challenges you are facing, and can help deal with the day-to-day issues. Our compassionate Michigan truck accident attorneys have decades of experience successfully handling complex cases like yours. We have the skills and the resources to take on deep-pocketed trucking companies and their insurers. We have recovered millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for semi-truck accident victims across Michigan, and we can help you.

If you have been hurt in a truck accident, contact our law firm today to learn about your legal right to compensation. No matter when your accident happened – day or night – a member of our Michigan car accident team will be available to take your call at 248-900-9000.

Our Michigan Truck Accident Lawyers Understand How to Get Results

When you’re trying to find the right Michigan personal injury lawyer to represent you in your claim, look for a firm that has a proven track record of results. Our history of multi-million dollar settlements and court awards demonstrates our commitment to our clients:

  • $17.8 million in Michigan’s largest ever personal injury verdict: Our client suffered a brain injury when she was left unable to live independently after sustaining a brain injury in a truck accident. She was awarded $17.8 after an eight-day trial.
  • $1.6 million for a back injury: When a 45-year-old truck driver was left with a herniated disc after being rear-ended by a gravel truck, he needed surgery and could no longer work. After negotiations, the truck company paid a $1.6 million settlement to avoid a jury trial.
  • $1.4 million jury award for a head injury: Our client, a 59-year-old woman, was left with tinnitus after suffering a concussion when she was rear-ended by a tractor-trailer. The jury awarded her $1.4 million in a court trial.
  • $1.1 million for a back injury: When a 60-year-old long-haul trucker was rear-ended by another trucker, he was left with a herniated disc that required surgery. Christensen Law took the case to trial, where a jury awarded our client $1.1 million.
  • $1 million settlement for a brain injury: Our client was rear-ended by a garbage truck that ran a red light while speeding. We were able to secure a settlement of more than $1 million, which the garbage truck company agreed to shortly before the trial was scheduled to begin.
  • Confidential multi-million dollar settlement: When a special education teacher lost her leg in a truck accident, the trucking company tried to hide its assets. We aggressively pursued them, ultimately securing a confidential settlement that went well beyond the insurance limits.

To learn the value of your claim, reach out to our Michigan car accident firm to schedule your free consultation. We will review the details of your case and tell you about your legal options.

Why Michigan Truck Accident Cases Are More Complex Than Other Accident Claims

The sheer impact of an 80,000-pound commercial motor vehicle slamming into a 5,000-pound passenger car leaves little chance of the car’s occupants escaping unharmed. Although these types of accidents cause devasting damages, the victims’ claims for compensation are not as straightforward as they should be. In fact, it is crucial that you have an experienced Michigan semi-truck accident lawyer by your side to ensure your rights are protected during this difficult time.

Some of the elements that make truck accident cases much more complex than claims involving two passenger vehicles include:

  • Injuries are typically more severe. Victims may be left with life-altering, debilitating injuries. In the worst cases, victims do not survive the crash. Truck accident injuries can be very expensive to treat and may have a permanent impact on the victim’s ability to earn a living or maintain the same quality of life as before the crash.
  • There are often multiple potential at-fault parties and insurance companies involved. There are many companies that play a role in keeping a commercial truck on the road, and their role in the truck’s crash should be thoroughly investigated. Sadly, when multiple parties are involved, they may try to play the blame game and cause delays in your claim for compensation.
  • Investigations are more complicated. Your commercial truck accident lawyer will need to gather and preserve a wealth of evidence, as well as work with a team of knowledgeable experts to get to the bottom of what exactly caused your crash. These investigations require skill, resources, and swift action.
  • Layers of state and federal trucking laws apply. The trucking industry is heavily regulated, with many safety protocols in place to protect everyone on the road. When trucking companies and drivers break these laws, their negligence can cause a devastating accident. It is important that you have a truck accident attorney who has extensive knowledge of Michigan trucking laws as well as Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations.

How Our Michigan Truck Accident Attorneys Can Help

You should never attempt to file or negotiate a truck accident injury claim without a highly qualified attorney on your side. The trucking companies will have aggressive adjusters and attorneys working to protect their interests, and you deserve the same.

At Christensen Law, our respected team of top trial attorneys will:

  • Provide a free, no-obligation consultation so we can discuss your accident, your injuries, and your legal right to compensation
  • Ensure you have access to appropriate treatment for your injuries, if you are having a difficult time finding a doctor or specialist
  • Move quickly to gather evidence and prevent the trucking companies from destroying important evidence
  • Work with highly trained accident reconstruction experts to investigate and determine the cause of your crash
  • Identify all parties that should be held responsible, as well as all sources of compensation for you
  • Work with you to thoroughly document the full extent of the damages you have suffered
  • Consult with medical specialists, economists, life care planners, and other professionals to assess how your injuries will affect you in the future
  • Negotiate aggressively with all the insurance companies and parties involved, demanding the full and fair compensation you deserve
  • Prepare to take your case to trial if the trucking company refuses to offer a satisfactory settlement

If you have been contacted by an insurance adjuster or been offered a settlement by a trucking company, please call us right away. A semi-truck accident lawyer can review your case free of charge and help you understand the full value of your claim.

Will You Have to Go to Court in a Michigan Truck Accident Claim?

When you file a Michigan truck accident claim, going to court is not always necessary. Many cases can be resolved through settlement negotiations with the insurance company or the at-fault party. However, there are situations where going to court may be required to secure the compensation you deserve.

Whether or not your case goes to court will depend on several factors, such as the complexity of the case, the severity of your injuries, and the willingness of the insurance company to offer a fair settlement. If the insurance company denies liability or offers a settlement that is much lower than what you deserve, your attorney may advise you to file a lawsuit and take the case to court.

Even if a lawsuit is filed, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your case will go to trial. Many cases are settled through mediation or negotiations after the lawsuit is filed but before the trial begins. During this process, your attorney will continue to fight for your rights and work to secure a fair settlement on your behalf.

If your case does go to trial

If your case does go to trial, your attorney will present evidence, call witnesses, and argue your case before a judge or jury. This process can be lengthy and complex, but having an experienced Michigan truck accident attorney by your side can help ensure that your rights are protected and that you have the best possible chance of success.

It’s important to remember that every truck accident case is unique, and the decision to go to court will depend on the specific circumstances of your case. Your attorney will advise you on the best course of action and work with you to develop a strategy that maximizes your chances of securing the compensation you deserve, whether through a settlement or a court verdict.

How Michigan’s No-Fault Laws Affect Truck Accident Claims

Michigan’s no-fault insurance laws have a significant impact on truck accident claims, adding a layer of complexity to an already challenging situation. Under Michigan’s no-fault system, if you are injured in a truck accident, you are generally required to first turn to your own auto insurance policies for coverage of medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs.

However, in cases where the injuries are severe or the damages exceed certain thresholds, victims may be able to step outside the no-fault system and pursue a liability claim against the at-fault party or parties. In truck accident cases, this could include the truck driver, trucking company, or other entities responsible for the accident.

A Michigan truck accident attorney can help you understand your rights and options under Michigan’s no-fault system, as well as identify all potentially liable parties. We can also assist in navigating the complex interplay between no-fault benefits and liability claims, ensuring that your interests are protected throughout the legal process.

Are you ready to learn more about filing a claim in Michigan? To get started, contact us online today  or call us at 248-900-9000.