Michigan Malicious Prosecution Lawyer

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Michigan Malicious Prosecution Lawyer

Everyone in Michigan deserves fair treatment under the law, no matter who they are or what crimes they were convicted or accused of in the past. Malicious prosecution has no place in our legal system. Our lawyers protect people like you from this and other civil rights violations.

The Michigan civil rights lawyers at our firm spare no resources when it comes to advocating for our clients. You can depend on Christensen Law to fully devote ourselves to your case and your future. Call now for a free case evaluation.

Our Malicious Prosecution Attorneys Protect People Throughout Michigan

Christensen Law has offices throughout Michigan so that we can better serve clients in different parts of the state. We are dedicated to giving your case the attention it deserves in order to get you justice. Here are just some of the steps our Michigan malicious prosecution lawyers are ready to take on your behalf:

  • Launching a thorough investigation into the malicious prosecution, including who is liable and why they took action against you
  • Fighting for all of the compensation you need to help you recover from this violation of your rights
  • Communicating with the liable party on your behalf, to include setting up negotiations and evaluating their settlement offers
  • Negotiating for a fair settlement that holds the at-fault party accountable and enables you to more easily rebuild your life
  • Taking your case to court, if the at-fault party refuses to offer a settlement that meets your needs

Not only is our team prepared to do all of the above to safeguard your rights, we will do it for no upfront fees. Our malicious prosecution law firm will take a percentage of your settlement as payment. Unless and until you receive that settlement, you pay us nothing.

We Support Our Michigan Malicious Prosecution Clients

Christensen Law understands that having your rights violated in such a frightening way is a terrible experience. Our legal team helps clients to feel more at ease by giving you plenty of time to share your story and ask questions about your rights.

To get a free, confidential case evaluation, call our office today. We are eager to begin your case as soon as possible.

Damages Help People Rebuild Their Lives After Malicious Prosecution

Being falsely accused, arrested, or imprisoned is shocking and hard to deal with. You deserve financial compensation, and you do not have to navigate the complex legal process of seeking that compensation alone. Our malicious prosecution attorneys in Michigan are ready to help you pursue money for:

  • Pain and suffering: Malicious prosecution sometimes leads to physical injuries, like if the police misused a taser or treated you roughly during interrogations.
  • Medical expenses: If you need (or will need) professional medical help to treat your injuries, our Michigan lawyers will ask for enough money to cover all of your medical bills. You deserve to get the care you need without worrying about the cost.
  • Emotional distress: Aside from any physical wounds, you have experienced many negative feelings, stress, and even a form of psychological abuse as others have insisted you are guilty of a crime you know you did not commit.
  • Loss of wages: While dealing with the malicious prosecution, you may have had to miss work. You might even have been fired. If any of this happened, we will fight for reimbursement of the wages your family depends on.

Whether we have to spend long hours at the negotiating table or take your case all the way to court, Christensen Law is ready to do whatever it takes to restore your future. We are not afraid to take on cases that involve hard work and daunting legal challenges.

Wrongfully Accused? Get Expert Help from a Malicious Prosecution Lawyer Today!
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What Does Malicious Prosecution Mean Under Michigan Law?

Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 600.2907 defines malicious prosecution as causing someone to “be arrested, attached, or in any way proceeded against” under false pretenses.  Hypothetical examples of malicious prosecution include the following:

  • The Michigan State Police arrested you for committing a crime that is similar to a crime you were convicted of several years ago. Other than the similarity of the offenses in question, they have no evidence that you are connected to the current offense and only arrest you now because it saves them the trouble of having to more carefully investigate the matter.
  • Your employer accuses you of committing a crime that either did not occur or that they know you were not involved in. Their real reason for making the accusation is to give them an excuse to fire you.
  • Someone with a personal or professional grudge against you bears false witness. In other words, they accuse you of a crime or testify against you in court not because they think you are guilty but because they want to see you suffer.

Under the law cited above, malicious prosecution is illegal, and anyone caught doing so may be subject to fines and jail time. As the victim of malicious prosecution, you have the right to file a lawsuit against the responsible party to recover compensation for your losses. Our civil rights attorneys can help you do so.

Finding Proof of Malicious Prosecution in Your Case

You already know that you are being unfairly and unlawfully targeted. Now you need to prove that fact to others. The Michigan malicious prosecution attorneys from Christensen Law will do this by:

  • Securing documentary evidence: We will look at police reports and records to see what they have said and done in your case. If you have any evidence, such as photos, to show you are innocent of the alleged crime, our law firm will add them to your casefile.
  • Speaking with witnesses: If anyone saw or has direct knowledge of the malicious prosecution, our civil rights attorneys will track them down and ask for a statement. We can also ask legal experts to review your situation and offer their opinion on whether the liable party acted reasonably or not.
  • Disproving the liable party’s case: Your accuser may present different forms of evidence to try to prove their case. We will request access to these materials and work hard to show that their case is based on untruths or misinformation—and that your accuser knew this all along.

Our law firm’s goal is to get the charges against you dropped as fast as possible so that you can get back to your normal life. We will also fight for a fair settlement. Christensen Law wants justice for your family and will not settle for less than you deserve.

How Long Will Your Michigan Legal Action Take?

The timeline for any legal action is often unpredictable. It depends on many factors, including how quickly you file your case, how difficult it is to compile evidence, and how willing the liable party is to work with you on resolving your legal action.

Our malicious prosecution law firm will fight by your side for months or years. No matter how long it takes for us to resolve your case, Christensen Law will be there for you, managing daily legal tasks and keeping you informed about our progress.

Let Our Michigan Law Firm Protect You from Malicious Prosecution

Christensen Law has been standing up for the rights of people just like you since 1991. Now, we want to put our decades of experience and our dedication to justice to good use in your case. Find out how our Michigan malicious prosecution lawyers will safeguard your future by calling today for a risk-free, no-cost case review.