There’s nothing quite like cruising along Michigan highways on your bike. The freedom that comes with getting on a motorcycle is unmatched, but it’s important to make sure you have the proper coverage in case of an accident.
Many accidents are avoidable when you follow road rules and safety tips, but unfortunately, the drivers around you may make careless or reckless maneuvers that put you at risk. These accidents can be devastating in so many ways, but having the right motorcycle insurance coverage can help protect you. Insurance is not always easy to handle on your own after an accident, so know that you can always get help from a motorcycle accident attorney.
In this guide, we’ll go over motorcycle insurance essentials so you can make informed choices and stay safe on the road.
Insurance Requirements for Michigan Motorcycle Riders
If you’re already a licensed driver, you may be aware of Michigan’s auto insurance requirements. While there are some similarities between auto and motorcycle insurance, they do have different requirements and work differently for accident victims.
Motorcycle insurance minimums are as follows:
- $50,000 bodily injury coverage per person
- $100,000 for bodily injury coverage per accident
- $10,000 for property damage
- $20,000 for medical benefits coverage for those motorcyclists (and their riders) who choose not to wear a helmet
Of course, insurers may offer additional, optional coverages like:
- Comprehensive: This form of coverage helps pay for non-vehicle accident damages.
- Collision: Motorcycle collision coverage helps with damages to your motorcycle in an accident.
- Uninsured/Underinsured: If you get into an accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist, this coverage can help pay for damages that you might otherwise get from the other driver.
These and other policies can help protect you in the event of injuries and other losses in a motorcycle accident.
Does PIP Apply to Motorcycle Riders?
Michigan is a “No-Fault” state for automobile accidents, which means drivers involved in accidents typically turn to their own insurance policies unless their losses exceed a certain threshold. While Michigan car operators must have personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, motorcyclists typically cannot get a PIP policy for their bike.
If you are a rider and get into an accident with the driver of a car, however, you are able to seek medical benefits and lost wages through the motorist’s PIP policy. If you’re involved in an accident with a motor vehicle but you cannot obtain coverage through any PIP policy, you can apply for benefits through the Michigan Assigned Claims Plan (MACP).
The nuance of PIP and motorcycles can be a lot to handle alone, but a Michigan personal injury lawyer can help you navigate these claims.
Do No-Fault Insurance Rules Ever Apply to Motorcycles?
Yes. If you are involved in a motorcycle crash with a motor vehicle, i.e., a car or truck, you can receive no-fault personal injury protection (PIP) benefits from the insurance company of the other driver. These benefits can cover your medical expenses, lost wages, rehabilitation, and replacement services up to the no-fault policy limits.
If a motorcyclist is in an accident with an uninsured motorist, up to $250,000 of PIP benefits are available through the Michigan Assigned Claims Plan.
You may also be able to sue the other at-fault driver for excess medical expenses once the PIP policy limits are exhausted. It’s best to check with a motorcycle accident lawyer to determine your legal options.
What Can Influence My Michigan Motorcycle Insurance Rates?
Like other forms of insurance, motorcycle insurance rates will vary on many factors. Some things that can impact your rates include:
- Optional policies: While you cannot avoid paying for mandatory minimum policies, there are optional policies that add to the costs of coverage.
- Driver age: Younger operators may face higher rates than older ones.
- Motorcycle make and model: Newer models with more features can cost you more to insure.
- Use: If you’re a regular rider and use your ride as a primary form of transportation, this can increase your rates more than if you were an occasional rider.
- Residence: City-dwellers typically have higher rates than those in rural areas, as they have higher chances of getting into accidents or needing to make claims for losses.
Some companies may offer discounts on your rates for safe driving history, pay for multiple months or the year up front, or if you bundle your policies togethers.
How Do I Choose a Motorcycle Insurance Policy?
Ultimately, you are the one with the final say on what company to go with and which policies to choose. Here are some things to consider when looking for motorcycle insurance coverage:
- Shop around and compare plans: Make sure you get quotes from multiple companies if possible. Prices and the scope of coverage will vary by company, so you must weigh your needs and your options.
- Assess your insurance needs: Really consider if optional policies or higher coverage limits are right for you. For example, if you live in an area known for having drivers who operate vehicles without insurance, you may want a UM/UIM policy in the event of an accident.
- Research coverage options: Insurance is overwhelming for many riders, but it’s important to understand what your policy does and does not cover, and how to decide between different options. The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services has insurance FAQs that may offer some insight for you when you are choosing a motorcycle policy:
What to Do After a Michigan Motorcycle Accident
Here are some basic tasks you can do right after your motorcycle collision:
- Call the police: State law requires that you make a report to police if the accident caused injuries, death, or damage to property valued at $1,000. Calling the police at the scene of the accident means that they can make a report there, so you don’t have to. If you do not call them right away, make sure to make your report as soon as you can. This report can be very valuable in establishing liability and supporting your claims for damages.
- Move your motorcycle and get to a safe place: When and if you can, make sure to move your bike off of the road to prevent further accidents. Of course, if it’s too dangerous for you to do so, or if you are incapable of doing so, prioritize your own safety first. Police may be able to help redirect traffic as necessary.
- Get medical attention: If emergency medical services are not already on their way, you can call them or ask for police assistance in getting paramedics or EMTs sent to the accident site. If you do not need emergency medical attention, you should still make sure to see a physician right after your accident. Some injuries may not show symptoms right away, so it’s important to get checked out as soon as you can. Not only does this protect your health, but it helps create a paper trail proving that you suffered injuries and damages.
- Call your insurance company: Make sure to report your accident to your insurance provider as soon as you can after the accident. The sooner they can get started on the claim, the better.
Christensen Law Helps Motorcycle Accident Victims
There’s one more step you can take after a motorcycle accident: Call Christensen Law at 248-900-9000. We can review your case and see what your options are. The consultation is free.