Grand Rapids Slip & Fall Lawyer

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Slip and fall accidents happen when a person visits someone else’s property and slips or trips and falls on a hazard located on the premises. Falls frequently result in severe injuries that are painful, costly to treat, and render victims unable to work. If you suffered a slip and fall, our Grand Rapids lawyers will file a claim or lawsuit against the property owner or occupier to recover costs associated with your injuries.

For a claim to be successful, you must prove the property owner or other responsible party was negligent and that their carelessness caused your injuries. Our Grand Rapids personal injury lawyers always listen closely to our clients and put their needs first. Contact Christensen Law now for a free consultation and a discussion about your best legal options.

Do You Need a Lawyer for a Slip and Fall Claim in Grand Rapids?

Lawyer for a Slip and Fall ClaimIt is up to you and your family to decide whether hiring our Grand Rapids slip and fall lawyers is worth it. Working with Christensen Law will protect your rights and financial future. Our legal team has been fighting for injured clients in Michigan since 1991, so we know what it takes to get the monetary awards you need and deserve.

We Can Investigate Your Slip, Trip, and Fall

Our award-winning attorneys will independently investigate your slip and fall accident, during which we can do the following:

  • Locate and speak to eyewitnesses
  • Demand a copy of any surveillance video of the accident
  • Obtain copies of any official accident, injury, or incident reports from the Grand Rapids Police Department or other authorities
  • Gather medical records and statements from your doctors proving you suffered an injury
  • Visit the scene of your accident and take photographs of the property conditions
  • Consult with experts if necessary

It is crucial to begin collecting evidence and building a case immediately after an accident. Thus, our premises liability lawyers get to work before the footage gets erased, witnesses’ memories fade, or the property owner repairs the dangerous conditions that caused your slip and fall.

Our Grand Rapids Law Firm Stands Up for You and Protects Your Rights

Soon after the accident, the property owner or their insurance company will likely contact you. The insurance company may offer you a settlement. However, this initial offer may only partially cover your injuries and losses. If you accept this payment, you give up the right to seek additional compensation in the future—even if you discover the original settlement does not fully cover your losses.

Our Grand Rapids slip and fall attorneys will safeguard your family’s rights by:

  • Communicating with the property owner and involved insurers
  • Aggressively negotiating on your behalf
  • Standing up to bad-faith tactics
  • Rejecting lowball offers

Doing Right by Our Grand Rapids Clients

At Christensen Law, we value economic justice over easy resolutions. We prepare every case for trial and spare no resources when representing you and your best interests. We have presented and won many cases before judges and juries and will take your premises liability claim to civil court if required.

We also take cases on contingency, meaning we can start your case today for nothing up front or out of pocket. Call Christensen Law and find out more for free.

Compensation for Your Slip and Fall Accident

In general, our Grand Rapids lawyers can help recover the following after a slip and fall accident in Michigan:

Economic Damages Related to the Premises Liability Incident

These losses have a concrete dollar value. Economic damages typically include medical expenses, lost income, and loss of earning capacity (if you cannot return to the same line of work).

Christensen Law will also help you claim any other financial expenses, including the cost of household services (e.g., cleaning and cooking) and medically necessary home and vehicle modifications.

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Non-economic Damages Caused by Slip and Fall Injuries

Non-economic losses are more subjective—but just as real and compensable. Typical non-economic damages include pain and suffering, emotional distress, and a loss of enjoyment of life.

Our personal injury attorneys will fight for the full value of your non-economic losses. We can even work with healthcare professionals and other experts to better understand how your injuries affect your life.

Wrongful Death Caused by a Slip and Fall Accident

Fatal falls are far too common: per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1,379 older Michiganders (those 65 years or older) passed away from fall-related injuries in 2021.

If your loved one sustained a fatal slip and fall injury, our Grand Rapids wrongful death lawyers can help their personal representative (executor) seek damages on behalf of their estate and qualifying survivors. Wrongful death damages include economic losses from the accident, the deceased’s pain and suffering, and loss of your family member’s services, support, and financial contributions.

Our Attorneys Will Fight for Your Premises Liability Settlement or Verdict

Our honest and compassionate attorneys listen to our clients, address their individual needs, and work tirelessly to protect their financial futures. We want you to have every cent you need for your physical recovery, household expenses, and other accident-related costs.

It is our mission to help injured Michiganians get back on their feet, earning us a reputation for outstanding service and significant financial results. We know how important a fair settlement can be and what a difference it can make in someone’s life after an injury. These awards and settlements are life-changing and can help our clients heal and recover. We do not take this responsibility lightly.

What Do You Have to Prove in a Grand Rapids Slip and Fall Case?

Slip and fall victims have the burden of proof to establish that the property owner or another at-fault party violated Michigan’s premises liability laws. Our slip and fall attorneys in Grand Rapids will find evidence of the following four elements of a premises liability case:

  • An unreasonably hazardous condition existed on the property. Did unreasonably dangerous conditions cause your slip and fall accident? Photos, videos, eyewitness statements, repair records, and incident reports can be beneficial when proving this element of your claim.
  • The property owner or other responsible party knew or reasonably should have known about the dangerous condition. For a property owner to be negligent, they must have known about the unsafe condition. Even if the property owner did not know about the hazardous situation, you might still be successful with your claim if you can prove that they reasonably should have known of its existence.
  • You were lawfully on the property. Only invitees and licensees are eligible to claim compensation in Michigan. These individuals are legally allowed to be on the property for social or business purposes. If you were trespassing on another person’s property, you are likely unable to claim compensation, per Michigan Comp. Laws Ann. § 554.583.
  • You suffered an injury. Personal injury claims compensate you for your injuries and losses. Thus, you cannot file an injury claim if you did not suffer an injury or loss.

It is difficult to collect evidence and document an accident while trying to recover from your injuries or care for a hurt loved one. Our Grand Rapids personal injury lawyers know what evidence to collect and how to collect it.

Michigan’s Slip and Fall Accident Statute of Limitations

Michigan’s statute of limitations outlines the time limit that accident victims have to pursue a case. According to Michigan Comp. Laws Ann. § 600.5805, if you do not file your personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit within three years from the accident or your loved one’s passing, you will give up your right to seek compensation in civil court.

Prompt Action Is Essential Following a Premises Liability Accident

Many people think three years is a long time to file a suit, but it is not. Our accident injury attorneys must investigate, collect evidence to substantiate your claim, and build a solid case to help you secure the compensation you deserve.

All this work takes time, and you cannot take legal action if the deadline expires. Thus, the insurance company will likely reduce or deny your settlement if time runs out. Speaking to our Grand Rapids personal injury firm as soon as possible after your accident is vital to protecting your rights.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents in Grand Rapids

Any dangerous condition can cause a slip and fall accident, but some situations are more common than others. Examples include:

  • Uneven walking surfaces – Loose floorboards and mats, worn-out carpeting, potholes on roads, broken sidewalks, cluttered floors, and staircases that are in disrepair can easily lead to a slip and fall.
  • Wet walking surfaces – Spilled liquids and freshly mopped floors often cause wet walking surfaces. Moisture may also collect on other surfaces due to improper drainage or defective gutters. Our slip and fall law firm can prove the property owner was negligent in keeping their property clean, dry, and safe.
  • Weather – Property owners are responsible for clearing snow and ice when it accumulates. These weather conditions are extremely dangerous. Although it is impossible to control the weather, shoveling walkways and parking lots and using salting and sanding techniques are important.
  • Cords and wires – Property owners or managers should always secure cords and wires to flooring, as these can cause a person to trip and fall.
  • Unsecured swimming pools – The area surrounding an inground or aboveground pool is often slick and slippery. Catastrophic injuries can easily occur, especially if the victim falls into the water or the owner fails to install safety measures, such as a fence with a locking gate, to secure the pool.
  • Broken handrails – Handrails are essential in helping people get up and down stairs. When someone reaches for a faulty handrail, they do not get the support they need and may fall.
  • Poor lighting – When people cannot see where they are going, they may come across a hazard and trip and fall on it. This is why public spaces and common areas must always be appropriately lit.

Any time individuals slip and fall due to one of these or other common causes, our Grand Rapids injury attorneys are available to assist with their claim.

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Places in Grand Rapids, MI, Where Slip and Fall Accidents Occur

A slip and fall accident can occur just about anywhere, but these locations are more common than others. Christensen Law’s premises liability attorneys can file your insurance claim or lawsuit against:

  • Big box stores – Stores such as Costco, Wal-Mart, Meijer, and Target are very large, and employees sometimes fail to recognize and correct hazards. Store owners should always ensure they have enough staff to identify dangerous conditions and alert someone who can fix them or warn customers about the danger.
  • Grocery stores – Grocery stores are a common place for slip and fall accidents. One customer may spill something, and if staff members do not clean it up right away, another customer can slip and incur serious injuries.
  • Malls – There are many hazards in shopping malls, such as Woodland Mall. Property owners and renters must regularly watch for dangerous conditions and correct them. If they do not, our Grand Rapids lawyers will hold them accountable.
  • Restaurants – There is a high likelihood of spills in restaurants. When customers are not warned of these conditions, or the restaurant is not adequately cleaned, our premises liability law firm will help the fall accident victim recover fair compensation.
  • Hotels – One cause of slip and fall injuries in hotels is poor lighting conditions on the property. Broken handrails, staircases, and worn carpeting also can lead to slip and fall accidents in hotels like the local Radisson or Amway Grand Plaza.
  • Sports stadiums – Whether an accident occurs in a bathroom with a wet floor, while climbing the stairs to a person’s seat, or some other dangerous condition, the owners of stadiums like the Van Andel Arena are responsible for ensuring their property is reasonably safe for all visitors.
  • Theaters – Theaters for both films (like the Wealthy Theatre) and stage plays (like the Grand Rapids Civic Theatre) must be dark so patrons can see the show. However, these dark conditions can lead to a slip and fall, so stairways must always be well-lit.

Preventing Slips and Falls Is a Property Owner’s Duty

Anyone who owns or manages property in Grand Rapids takes on the legal obligation of maintaining that property so it is safe for legal visitors. For example, Article 2 of the Code of the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan, stipulates that property owners must keep all walkways, handrails, and exterior lighting “in good repair.”

If you want to file a legal action after a slip and fall incident, you are within your rights to do so. Legal advice from Christensen Law can make the process less stressful and easier to understand.

Tips for Protecting Your Rights After a Slip, Trip, and Fall

When you work with our firm, our responsive attorneys and attentive staff will do everything possible to remove the burden of your case from your shoulders. However, there are a few simple things you can do immediately after a fall to protect your health and right to compensation:

  • Seek medical attention – If you sustained an acute injury, call 911 for emergency care. If you do not need medical attention at the scene, seek treatment as soon as possible. When getting examined, explain to the doctor how the injury happened. Your medical records can serve as valuable evidence.
  • Take pictures – Photographs can be essential after a slip and fall accident. They can show how the accident happened, that the owner should have known about a dangerous condition, and the severity of your injuries.
  • File a report – There is a good chance you will have to fill out an incident report, particularly if you fell in a business. Ask to speak to the manager or supervisor, complete the report, and request a copy before leaving.
  • Speak to eyewitnesses – Eyewitness statements can be critical evidence in your claim. If possible, speak to anyone that saw the accident and ask them for their name and contact information.
  • Get legal help as soon as possible – Consider contacting the Michigan personal injury lawyers with our firm. We can help you seek the compensation you deserve for all your losses.

Does this mean you no longer have a case if you did not perform all of these actions? Absolutely not. The slip and fall accident lawyers at Christensen Law understand that you are under a lot of stress and are willing to help, no matter what.

Talk to Our Grand Rapids Slip and Fall Attorneys Now

Slip and fall accidents can be serious and result in life-changing injuries. However, if you or a loved one suffered a fall on someone else’s property, you should not have to pay for the damages caused by their negligence.

At Christensen Law, our Grand Rapids slip and fall lawyers know how to communicate with insurance companies and negotiate aggressively to seek the full compensation you need. Call us today for a free consultation and get started on your case.