Do I Have to Go to Court for a Car Accident?

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Do I Have To Go To Court For A Car Accident?

If you choose to pursue personal injury compensation after being injured in a car accident, you won’t necessarily have to go to court. But if the other side won’t negotiate a fair settlement offer with you, you might want to go to court to make sure you’re fairly compensated for all of your damages.

If you’re afraid of going to court, the good news is you can contact an accident attorney who can fight for your compensation both at the negotiating table and in court. With a qualified legal ally on your side, going to court won’t be nearly as intimidating as it might seem right now.

When Going to Court Is the Only Option

The majority of car accident claims in Michigan settle outside of court—particularly when victims get experienced injury attorneys involved.

However, insurance companies, negligent parties, and their lawyers sometimes make insultingly low settlement offers and refuse to budge. In that case, your only option for getting compensation for your medical bills, vehicle damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages may be taking them to court.

In all likelihood, your opponent’s legal team will try to argue that you had some responsibility for your wreck, downplay the severity of your injuries, or blame other factors for the crash. That’s why it’s important to have a lawyer by your side if you have to go to court for a car accident.

Contact a Michigan Car Accident Attorney

If you’ve been injured in a car accident and believe another driver was at fault, we can help. And while many car accident injury claims settle out of court, we won’t hesitate to take your claim to court if the other side won’t make an offer that truly covers your damages.

If we have to go to court, you won’t feel alone for a moment. We’ll defend your rights and fight for what you’re owed every step of the way.

Contactcar accident lawyer with Christensen Law to discuss your options. You can use the form at the bottom of this page or call to get in touch.