Detroit Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

When you’ve been injured in an accident due to an intoxicated driver, you have options to recover monetary compensation. Call a Detroit drunk driving accident attorney at Christensen Law for help with your claim.

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a dangerous decision to make. Unfortunately, many people still make this decision, even knowing everything we know about drunk driving. If you’ve been hurt in a car crash because of an intoxicated driver, there are legal options available to you.

No one can erase the effects of a DUI crash, but you may be able to focus on the future. By filing a personal injury claim against the drunk driver who injured you, you can recover enough money to pay for all of your damages. Call a Detroit drunk driving accident lawyer at our firm for help with your claim.

Michigan’s No-Fault Auto Insurance Law

In Detroit and throughout Michigan, we follow a no-fault system when it comes to handling car insurance claims. What this means is that after most car accidents, you file a claim with your own insurance company to recover damages.

You will be compensated based on your own insurance policy. If you’re injured, your personal injury protection (PIP) benefits will kick in to cover your medical bills and lost wages while you’re out of work. However, these benefits have limits.

What do you do if you’re seriously injured, if your life has been permanently altered by auto wreck injuries caused by a drunk driver? That’s when you may be allowed to file a personal injury claim seeking damages.

Your losses will need to be great, and your injuries will need to be demonstrably serious. Your Detroit drunk driving collision attorney will analyze your case to determine whether you qualify to file a personal injury claim for your DUI crash.

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The Damages Owed to You for a Detroit Drunk Driving Crash

Injuries involving drunk drivers are often very serious. In some cases, drivers who are under the influence won’t even press the brake before colliding with another vehicle because they are too intoxicated to even realize a collision is about to occur. This means greater impact and great injuries for victims.

Some of the types of damages your Detroit intoxicated driving crash lawyer may seek on your behalf are as follows:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of income
  • Permanent disability
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Mental anguish and mental health services
  • Physical therapy costs
  • Loss of life enjoyment

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Contact a Detroit Drunk Driving Accident Attorney

You deserve to be financially compensated for a vehicle collision you didn’t cause, especially if the other driver was drunk. You have medical bills, missed work wages, and other expenses that are dragging you down. You can focus on your physical recovery and let your attorney do the rest.

To speak with a Detroit drunk driving accident lawyer with our firm, call us today or fill out the contact form on this webpage. Christensen Law will review your case during a free claim assessment so you can get an idea of whether you have a good case and how much compensation you can expect to receive.