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Christensen Law Community Involvement

Giving Back To The Community

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Our philosophy of listening, protecting, and winning applies not only to our clients, but also to everyone we encounter, and especially to those in the communities where we work. These principles guide our daily efforts, providing a solid foundation for well-being and service.

While our social responsibility focus varies, it remains grounded in elevating the welfare of our society and our greater environment. We’re committed to supporting local businesses, assistance organizations, and those in critical need in our communities. We encourage our team members to not only participate in company-led initiatives, but also to take the time for service that may be meaningful to them personally.


Throughout the year, we work to help those who need it most, from children without families to those who are food or housing insecure, from facilities for artists with disabilities to the responsible development of the built environment in which we all live.

Christensen Law Community Involvement

We've partnered with several local charitable and community organizations, strenghening our commitment to protecting and caring for others within our reach.
Attorney Tom Economy Celebrates 4 Years with Christensen Law

Tom Economy, Attorney November marked a special milestone for the firm — attorney Tom Economy’s 4-year anniversary with Christensen Law. Since passing the bar in December 1999, Tom has amassed an impressive record over his 21-year career. Early on, he was one of the youngest attorneys ever to try cases…

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