Young Woman Receives $4.197 Million in Auto Negligence Case

March, 2023 -This was a third-party auto-negligence case involving our client, an accomplished college student who was a passenger in a vehicle where the Defendant driver ran a stop sign at 50 mph, t-boning another car.    Seven years of litigation resulted in a substantial award for non-economic damages of $4,197,000. The award will ensure she receives the support, care, and security to continue healing and fight to reclaim her independence.

As a result of this crash and brain injury, the young woman struggles with ongoing mental and physical fatigue, anxiety, depression, memory changes, problems with executive function,  chronic headaches, blurred vision, balance deficits, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Trial attorney Tom Economy mounted an impressive case, securing critical testimony of expert medical witnesses in the fields of Behavioral Neurology, Neuropsychology, and Endocrinology to support her claim for injury.  (Saraphina Sefcik (Johnson) v Auto Owners Insurance Co.)